There's no Guitar Hero that does let you add songs without hacking, other than GH:WT and possibly the coming soon GH5.
To get Smooth Criminal on GH:OT Decades, beat the Guitar Duel Career.
Sonnyisback wrote:
how do u play a michael jackson song on guitar hero my guitar hero dosent let me add any songs it only lets me play rock songs taht came with it
Did you read ANYTHING we posted? I just said, it was only on Guitar Hero On Tour Decades. And you can read the REST of the posts to find out how to get it.
Sonnyisback wrote:
how do u play a michael jackson song on guitar hero my guitar hero dosent let me add any songs it only lets me play rock songs taht came with it
You unlock the song.
Guitar Hero On Tour Decades (NDS) has "Smooth Criminal" as a song unlocked for doing the guitar duel career., though it's a cover version by alien any farm.
Guitar Hero World Tour has "Beat It" as a playable song as well.
Please try to post in better grammar next time
I love all his songs like P.Y.T,Human Nature,Smooth Criminal,Don't Stop Till You Get Enough,Lady in my life,Bad,Beat It,Thriller,Billie Jean,Dirty Diana,Blood on the dance Floor,The Way you Make me feel,The girl is mine,Baby be mine,Wanna be startin sometin,Rock My World,Heal the world,We are the world, ETC..
Blade-Edge wrote:
mnorberts back?
i just remembered
i like that song that goes "the cheaters not my son" the micheal jackson song thats in GTA vice city
The lyrics aren't than you said, but you probably mean "Billie Jean."
Blade-Edge wrote:
mnorberts back?
i just remembered
i like that song that goes "the cheaters not my son" the micheal jackson song thats in GTA vice city
I think you mean Billie Jean and that part is"The kid is not my son"sorry if I am acting like a know it all I just wanted ot say it.
I love all his songs as you can see I named a lot of songs in my first comment and just one thing please dont insut Michael Jackson I will tear you to shreads.I love Dangerous,You are not alone,Baby be mine,liberian girl,Remember the time,Ghost,etc there are lots more but it will fill the whole page:D
My favorite mj songs are, thriller, beat it, billie jean,smooth criminal, remember the time, we are the world (co written by him), bad, black or white, etc; I love ALL of his songs!
i love the song beat it... did you guys watch his funeral... mariah carry has a goodd voice dudes. I cried even though i watched it on tv... <pen down<switch to costume[ <next costume>... i also like thriller")
Thriller, beat it, bad, and probably everything else.
My favorite is Rockin Robin.
Beat it or Thriller. The usual.
yon yo people!
I like i'll be there
It gets stuck in meh head and makes meh sad everyone once in a while
Blade-Edge wrote:
mnorberts back?
i just remembered
i like that song that goes "the cheaters not my son" the micheal jackson song thats in GTA vice city
Are you critizizing MN?