ScratchX wrote:
DawnLight wrote:
Wow, maybe that is why scratch has been so laggy lately.
No the Notifications page are i cant even look at 1 mesley message with otu waiting forever!!!
It all ends up in the server in the end. After a while it makes the whole scratch website laggy. I can tell because I have Fiber-Optic Internet (50 MBPS).
Hmm, lets see, I just deleted... 0 Messages! The server should be running at full speed now! xD
Dawn: Well, I'm talking about just me, I deleted 0 messages, and because of that, the server is running at Full Speed! xD
Fg123: Yes, 0, a lot huh? xD
ScratchX: *high-fives back* xD
I said that just for a joke. But it's true, I have 0 messages. xD
LOLOLOL my bad XD I didn't know that would happen,but they are all gone now
Dream-Caster wrote: … ulties.png
LOLOLOL my bad XD I didn't know that would happen,but they are all gone now
Tigerkidcub wrote:
So, I don't get what you mean. Do you want us to delete our posts?
He wants you to go to your notifications and delete them. When you get a comment after you click on the notification go back and delete it, not the comment on the project just the notification
Dream: Wow, 10,000 notifications? How is that even possible? the most I've seen was probably 1000 but that's still an EXTREME amount of notifications...
Yah i have the record
I think Dream's notifications made the most difference.
Dream-Caster wrote: … ulties.png
LOLOLOL my bad XD I didn't know that would happen,but they are all gone now
Why do you (if you're name isn't dreamcaster, than you isn't you) keep them...
Last edited by Lucario621 (2009-12-04 15:34:39)
Because its fun to keep them. I should probably delete the 600 accumulated on my old account...
Lucario621 wrote:
Dream-Caster wrote: … ulties.png
LOLOLOL my bad XD I didn't know that would happen,but they are all gone nowWhy do you keep them...
Before the original wipe I had 15k messages.
My server is uber laggy. I sometimes takes over 10 minutes for a comment to appear to me!
I delete my messages anyway, I don't like saving them up.
floatingmagictree wrote:
I delete my messages anyway, I don't like saving them up.
Me too. There's not a point of keeping them.