I'm running the social venture company for creative digital education in Korea.
PINY (Powerful Idea jourNeY) - http://piny.cc
We recently prototyped the sensor board based on the design of Scratch Board, and we are going to distribute it for public.
http://piny.cc/product/HelloBoard/Welcome.html - Hello Board
It will look very similar to the original Scratch Board - having a button, slider, light sensor etc - but it actually based on Arduino board, so anyone can use it as an arduino board.
We will open all design files and source code base on the Scratch License, and also sell it commercially.
Are there any license problems or restrictions to sell this product? Please let me know it.
SeungBum Kim (picxenk_AT_gmail.com)
After exchanging emails with you and discussing your plans with the Sensor Board Team, we don't see any problems with you distributing your product.
Keep us posted on how things go as you start taking orders.
Take care.