I have a suggestion: To encourage new users, let's make an achievement system with achievements like these:
Welcome to Scratch! : Earned after joining Scratch
Welcome to Forums : Earned after joining Scratch Forums
First Impression : Earned after uploading first project
Cool picture! : Earned after uploading an avatar
You're loved! : Earned after receiving first love-it
Commenter : Earned after posting 50 comments
Reviewer : Earned after posting 200 comments
Featured : Earned after having a project featured
Master Commenter : Earned after posting 500 comments
Friends will be friends : Earned after being added as a friend by at least 20 persons
Remixer : Earned after remixing 5 projects
Programmer : Earned after posting a project with more than 20 scripts
Forum Poster : Earned after posting 51 forum posts (tribute to old 50-posts-rule)
Impatient : Earned after trying to post before 60 seconds from previous post
The first is the hardest : Earned after posting 500 forum posts
Super Forum Poster : Earned after posting 1000 forum posts
Thirty there : Earned after uploading 30 projects
Popular : Earned after being on front page twice
Famous : Earned after being on front page 10 times
Talked about : Earned after having 200 comments on your projects
Maniac : Earned after having 100 projects uploaded
Comments maniac : Earned after posting 1200 comments
Any other ideas?
PS. I'll make some images (maybe)
Last edited by filo5 (2009-11-29 14:41:30)
Make one with forum posts.
Last edited by ihaveamac (2009-11-29 06:53:09)
Sounds like a cool Idea even though I've achieved all but the post 500 comments one already with in my first two months.
When my project was featured more than 20 people added me as a friend
edit: Now i need to do more now that you added more
Last edited by what-the (2009-11-29 22:02:02)
I like the idea... but....
Remixer - You're encouraging remixing? Fine....
Impatient- Lol I like it
That's with a "T" - It should have a different title in my opinion...
Next - It should have a different title in my opinion...
Yeah. But the thing is, does the scratch website have information, from the past, so people who have this don't have to re-earn them (front page). I mean, that would mean archmage would have no front-page reward, which is kinda crazy. And believe me I like that reward.
The-Whiz wrote:
Nice idea.
By the way, it is not possible to get on the front page twice at once (Popular). Maybe change it to "Has been on the front page twice"?
You say that's impossible!
Last edited by scratch_yoshi (2009-11-29 09:47:45)
The-Whiz wrote:
That's friend's latest. Newest and Friends' Latest don't count.
Oh yeah! I actually though those were top viewed and on Scratch Design Studio...
I've gotten all except famous... Intresting idea.
But what if this just makes people want to quit because they haven't gotten acheivements?
Last edited by greenflash (2009-11-29 15:10:40)
Achievements are intended to encourage people to use Scratch and develop their skills. Yes, sometimes is may lead to quitting, but isn't the same situation with comments, love-its, front-pagers and stuff?
To be honest, I don't think it's good. And most of them are pretty useless (Wow! You've joined the forums!). Why bother?
Impatient : Earned after trying to post before 60 seconds from previous post
LOL Maybe one, like "Second Thoughts" for removing a project, or "Anti-social" for removing a friend. Maybe "Self-Centered" for adding yourself
GirWaffles64 wrote:
Impatient : Earned after trying to post before 60 seconds from previous post
LOL Maybe one, like "Second Thoughts" for removing a project, or "Anti-social" for removing a friend. Maybe "Self-Centered" for adding yourself
Self Concious for changing your password XD
Expressionist for changing avatar
Artiste after making your first art project (good or bad)
Mix Master after using the sound block for the first time
I could make some pictures, if you want
Last edited by samurai768 (2009-12-06 00:38:48)
Artiste after making your first art project (good or bad)
How can it tell? You could tag Art, but it could be a game for all they know!
Just having 20 scripts doesn't make you a programmer. Look at RHY(numbers) Line project. That is super advanced and only has 1 script.
Dazachi wrote:
Just having 20 scripts doesn't make you a programmer. Look at RHY(numbers) Line project. That is super advanced and only has 1 script.
What about if it uses a variable? An achievement for using a variable?