i want to know is scratch real programming. i dont think so. i think html,C++/C+,php and others are REAL programming not something that you drag blocks into your main screen. otherwise making a picture could be called real programming? so what do you think???
Yes scratch is a form of programming, because it involves joining different lines of code (the blocks) to make a project, like in C++ and actionscript
Here is the definition of programming
programming: creating a sequence of instructions to enable the computer to do something
Programming in scratch follows this definition.
i now do agree that this is programing. but maybe basic programming because its not html ,php, javascript, C++ ,ect. I would now call it basic programing
dav09 wrote:
i now do agree that this is programing. but maybe basic programming because its not html ,php, javascript, C++ ,ect. I would now call it basic programing
HTML is not programming, it is a markup language. Yes, scratch is its own actually complex language, it is just different because the way you make it is different. It's designed for little kids anyway.
Here's pinochio's thread How scratch is not real programming, which has a lot of talk about if Scratch is programming or not. But this quote from Paddle2See is great...
Paddle2See wrote:
Scratch programming is computer programming. Yes, the programming language is written in Squeak, which is itself a programming language. But that can be said of many programming languages. The popular interpreted computer language Python was written using the C programming language (I believe) but I don't think anybody would say that it not a "real" programming language.
If you look up the definition of Computer Programming, you will probably find something like:
"creating a sequence of instructions to enable the computer to do something"
I think that Scratch meets that definition![]()
Therefore, Scratch is programming.
Why wouldn't Scratch be programming anyway? Isn't it programming when you snap together those blocks?
If you think Scratch isn't programming, think again. It's just a different method than typing everything.
Last edited by Jonathanpb (2009-11-23 23:52:41)
archmage wrote:
Here is the definition of programming
programming: creating a sequence of instructions to enable the computer to do something
Programming in scratch follows this definition.