Would it be to much to ask for a few christmas lights to decorate the scratch website? besides the icon?
That would be fun. Just change the frame with the buttons and it's changed
a bit of holly here, a reef there, and a few christmas lights would be great.
And for Halloween, Bats could be flying around, Thanksgiving a turkey, Valentines Day could be Hearts floating around. XD
lol, maybe not animation, but it would still look awesome
Well I know that, there are just pictures of a bat here and there.
And a holiday logo! I'm working on a project, and it's nearly finished!
Just need to make it play "Jingle Bells".
Last edited by Chrischb (2009-11-14 01:06:42)
post a link to it when its done.
It should be based on this
or it could be completely unreligion related and just have a christmas tree and some presents?
Christmas has become a global festival ,not any more a Christian event.
Christmas Ideas
Last edited by xmasfun (2009-11-21 01:20:10)
xmasfun wrote:
Christmas has become a global festival ,not any more a Christian event.
I know... Noone knows any more what this festival is about... That upsets me.
Don't we already have the holiday logos?
Gershmer: Lets keep this away from religion. Cause I'm not in that religion, so it would be kinda, uh, mean? Lets just keep it basic on what everyone does, like Christmas Lights, a Tree, Presents.
i agree, with magnie, though I would rather have a way of reminding people what started christmas, where its origion came from, but that could be offensive to other religions.
Yes, I think it would.
it could just be like.
My ideas for holiday scratch website makeovers:
-the logo be whatever logo is chosen
-on all the buttons that say 'home, projects, gallerys, support ect will have snow on top
-instead of 'welcome, (username) | logout' it will say 'merry christmas, (username) | logout'
-I like the Imagine•Program•Give idea
-one of those light blue message bars will be there saying its christmas
-some assorted wreaths, christmas trees, presents, and holiday lights will be decorating everything else.
-the logo be whatever logo is chosen
-on all the buttons that say 'home, projects, gallerys, support ect will have cobwebs on them
-instead of 'welcome, (username) | logout' it will say 'happy halloween, (username) | logout'
-Use Imagine•Program•Scare again
-one of those light blue message bars will be there saying its halloween
-random pumpkins, bats, and spiders everywhere
-the logo be whatever logo is chosen
-instead of 'welcome, (username) | logout' it will say 'happy valentines day, (username) | logout'
-Put Imagine•Program•Care
-one of those light blue message bars will be there saying its valentines day
-random hearts and cupids everywhere
St Patricks Day:
-the logo be whatever logo is chosen
-instead of 'welcome, (username) | logout' it will say 'happy st patricks day, (username) | logout'
-one of those light blue message bars will be there saying its st patricks day
-random pots of gold, shamrocks, and leprechan hats everywhere
-the logo be whatever logo is chosen
-instead of 'welcome, (username) | logout' it will say 'happy hanekah, (username) | logout'
-one of those light blue message bars will be there saying its hanekah
-random hanekah candles everywhere
-the logo be whatever logo is chosen
-instead of 'welcome, (username) | logout' it will say 'happy easter, (username) | logout'
-one of those light blue message bars will be there saying its easter
-random eggs candles everywhere
And thats all I'm gonna bother to do right now.
nice! love all those ideas. now we just need the scratch team to accept the idea.
i wonder if they're gonna ignore this...
markyparky56 wrote:
i wonder if they're gonna ignore this...
They might. You should make the name a bit better, like 'Ideas for Holiday Makeovers' or something, so they will look at it because they know what it is.
Last edited by wiimaster (2009-11-23 16:49:38)
I would change the name if i could...