Alright, i know these math functions in scratch: abs which makes a negative number a positive, sin which is based on a function of a number, e^ which makes an even an odd, asin which is the opposite of sin, sqrt which I know only a little about, cos tan and sin are all trig as well but I don't know any others.
P.S. can we have an o^ function which changes an odd number to an even number?
I want the rest of the trig functions atan2 asin2 and acos2.
Also, check google to get explanations for the math functions.
Last edited by archmage (2008-11-29 21:59:06)
bart9032 wrote:
Alright, i know these math functions in scratch: abs which makes a negative number a positive, sin which is based on a function of a number, e^ which makes an even an odd, asin which is the opposite of sin, sqrt which I know only a little about, cos tan and sin are all trig as well but I don't know any others.
P.S. can we have an o^ function which changes an odd number to an even number?
I think you may be looking for the Round function converts from a decimal number (like 2.3987) to the nearest whole number (such as 2). Note that if you right-click (Alt-click for Mac users) on some of the number blocks and select Help, it will tell you what it does. It doesn't give you a lot of help with the block that has the drop-down list of functions. The full names of those functions are:
abs (absolute value)
sqrt (square root)
sin (sine)
cos (cosine)
tan (tangent)
asin (arcsine)
acos (arccosine)
atan (arctangent)
ln (natural logarithm)
log (log base 10)
e^ (exponential)
10^ (raise 10 to a given power)
but it would take too long to explain them all here...some of them require high school math too. However, with the full names above, you can look them up in Wikipedia.
Square roots are the value n in this case and x is the number you are getting the square root of. It always satisfies this equation. n*n=x Cubed roots are similar, except it is (n*n)*n=x And they go on, but then, you must say x to the power of 1/4 or 1/5 etc.. It is basically just powers of fractions where 1 is always the numerator. If you don't understand, search square roots on Wikipedia. How to get approximate square roots, cubed roots, etc.: First, find the closest square numbers to your number, then just follow the instructions below to turn it into a mixed number. By the way, I thought of this formula.
larger sq. number - smaller sq. number=denominator
number you want to get the sq. root of - smaller sq. number=numerator
sq. rt. of smaller sq. number=whole number
I hope you find this a useful guide to sq. roots.
big bang wrote:
we need a +/- converter NOW!!!!!
big bang, 1 is the identity property of multiplication. You seriously should have thought of that. Or, you could say "say answer * -5 / 5" Chez pantz, you really should have thought better!