Is there a game that's like RPG with lots of lists? Because if so I want to see it because if I do then I'm going to look at the things they did so I can make a big project! Also if someone can help me make it I will like that to! Help Please!
What do you mean? Do you want to use lists?
Dictionary Mode
A list is a 2-dimensional variable. Let's say you want to store multiple items.
hi, doh, me
You can't do that within a variable. So you use a list. It has multiple variables.
Here are some blocks:
As I said in 'How to use Scratch':
( ) The list combined. Like the variable grabber. The list [h , e, l, l, o] produces 'hello'.
add [ ] to [ \/] Adds a thing to the end of the list.
[ hi] + add [ he ] to [mylist] = [ hi, he]
delete ( ) of [ \/] Delete the item number in the number entry box.
[hi, he] + delete (2) of [ mylist ] = [hi]
insert [ ] at ( ) of [ \/] Inserts something at the number entry box.
[hi, he] + insert [ doh ] at (2) of [mylist] = [hi, doh, he]
replace item ( ) of [ \/ ] with [ ] Replaces an item in the number box.
[hi , he] + replace item (2) of [mylist] with [doh] = [hi, doh]
item ( ) of [ \/]Grabs the item in the box.
length of [ \/] How many items that list contains.
[ \/] contains [ ] If a list contains that. If not, false, if yes, true.
Last edited by Greatdane (2009-11-11 12:01:07)
Here is the user with the best RPG on the website
I Mean like if I have a list for items. And like I can get the banker to say "You have a dollar in the bank" or "You have a 10 dollar bill in the bank."
Last edited by Zoomreddin (2009-11-11 12:07:00)
Oh, that's easy.
say[ join(You have a), (item (whatever) of list) ] ^ ^ ^string ^list block-___________ | join block-___________________________ say block-__________________________________
The Scratch Way
Last edited by Greatdane (2009-11-11 12:20:37)
Ya! That's what I want! But if I get most done than someone help me with the rest!
Basically what I did was I:
#1: Went up to scratch
#2: Constructed my script and right-clicked and pressed 'save image of scripts'
#3: Went to imagebeast(you can use any image uploading thing you want)
#4: Uploaded then pressed
#5: I saw my file
#6: I Copied and pasted the code in the top box.
#7: I went to the forums and went:
You don't need to do the code thing.