I would like to see a top favorited section on the front page, an "Explore Projects" area with the same thing as well as a "projects tagged with" section for favorited projects.
Front page
This will feature projects that have been most favorited recently.
Explore Projects
This will have in order the most favorited projects to the least
Projects tagged with
This will be like Explore Projects but this time it's on a project tagged with something.
This could replace the "top loved" section as I think that anyone can just press that button to boost the projects rankings. Where as favorited projects get listed on the favoritors home page and when ever someone goes to their homepage people will be able to see that they favour that project and if it isn't good, well lets say they will be less likely to favour a project for no reason.
This is definitely better than top loved projects.
Please comment on your thoughts about this. If you support this idea please say so and I'll make a note on the number of supporters.
<when I receive[ support
<switch to costume[ Updated scratch website
Wasn't this posted once before? I beleive some agree'd and others disagree's.
Personally, I don't see a difference. You press top loved just as easily as add to favorite's, and you can see who has loved/favorited a project just as easily.
This was actually on the front page once, but it was taken away for the curator's spot.