Q: How do you make a signature for yourself on forums?
A: Click on Profile..
..the Profile menu should be targeted to Essentials. Changed that to "Personality".
Compose signature, press "Submit".
Unless, did you mean making custom images or buttons? Start with CoolText.com.
Last edited by ScratchDude101 (2009-11-09 18:52:06)
you also need 50 posts. kind of lame, I know.
Oh? You do? AHHHHHHHH...that's why I didn't see my own signature in my posts until just a week ago...
6 posts ago!
Last edited by ScratchDude101 (2009-11-09 18:53:49)
Dazachi wrote:
No, I think now you need to be a forum user for 15 days.
no. it's 50 posts. Unless you got 50 posts on your 15th day, or the signature feature was just added then... PS. I'm suprised at how fast the replies came.
Last edited by 16Skittles (2009-11-09 19:00:04)
odd. It will stop spam posts, but not sigs. but scratch does that already. I liked it better before.
Last edited by 16Skittles (2009-11-09 19:10:28)