what are you talking about?
Earlier today, a forum problem caused everyone to be banned. The only way to contact eachother was through the TBG forums. It was terrible. We all feared for our lives. Well, I may be exaggerating a bit.
If you saw that, that's because I tried to post in the other topic about the project notes, (I understand now) and it posted here! I got banned???
Looks like I missed some fun this morning.
cheddargirl wrote:
The Scratch Team contacted me after I sent in an e-mail about the problem. The told me that they're having the website use a proxy to increase speed. Somehow, a bug caused everyone's IP addresses to be the same as the commercial spammer I was trying to ban, causing the entire Scratch community to be banned in the process.
This new proxy server is probably causing all the other bugs that you see going on the website. Hopefully, the Scratch Team will get the bugs fixed soon.
Apparently cheddargirl banned us all.