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Hackers try and hack into people's accounts. You may not be famous, you may not think that they would hack you, but you must have a good password. If you have one, you will have a 99.9999999999... chance that you will not get hacked.
Be smart! Don't share your password with anyone. Even your best friend. Do not ever post your password, whether you are hiding the fact or not.
First of all, let's view the passwords that you must not use. If you have a password like this, change it at once.
Never use this password. Ever. Believe me, that's one of the very first things hackers would try.
(Your username)
Actually quite common. And if something's common, don't use it.
Better, but please. How long do these passwords take to think of? Not very long for you. And same for the hackers.
Imagine, Program, Share
I don't think anyone uses this as their password, but it's too easy.
This is my password
I think I should make my point here. Do not use any passwords that are easy to think of or come to mind naturally. If you thought of them easily, the hackers will too.
How to make a good password.
Let's start with 'password'.
Utterly ridiculous. 0/20
PaSsWoRd or pAsSwOrD
Some letters are capitalized, some are not. This is good. But this is a recognizable pattern. 1/20
Better. Not a recognizable pattern. 3/20
Remember, this is still the password 'password'! These are quite bad passwords. Let's start again.
Always have a random password. I don't mean one like 'toilet'. I mean like this:
Random. However, it's eight characters. The old classic. 11/20
Nine characters. Better. 12/20
QrKoSiEuY or qRkOsIeUy
Nice capitalizing, but a predictable pattern. 13/20
Random. 14/20
Remember, these passwords only have letters. Let's step this up a bit.
Numbers are included. 21/30
There are Shift + Numbers in there... 23/30
Other characters. Don't forget them! : . ` " [ etc. 26/30
This is what really annoys the hackers. Symbols like that are easily gained. There are plenty of these. To get a symbol, get Num Lock working, hold Alt, and while it's down you press three numbers on the number pad on your keyboard. Then you lift Alt, and your character appears! For a list of all possible characters, check out a link that MyRedNeptune mentioned.
→╟=ë¥þ I really like the symbols. There's one in my signature (in the name Charlotte Brontë. Coincidence, but I can show off!), and whenever I refer to andresmh, I call him Andrés. That is his name, you know.
Here are some examples for good passwords:
Use letters, numbers, punctuation marks, Shift Number, and Alt Number.
Always capitalize some of the characters.
Never use anything that a hacker will be able to guess.
Acronyms are great for random letters, but make sure that hackers won't be able to guess it. And if the acronym comes out as HELLO or something like that, change it.
Use your common sense!
Hope this helped you!
Last edited by Jonathanpb (2009-09-27 01:20:34)
Here is a good password
start with 1-2 random numbers
Then a acronum of something familiar ie every good boy derserves fudge = e,g,b,d,f
end with 1-2 random numbers
Last edited by archmage (2009-09-25 09:30:26)
Jonathanpb wrote:
whenever I refer to andresmh, I call him Andrés.
Did you memorize all the symbols? xP
I only memorized the combinations Alt 129 and Alt 0220.
Yes, I am that obsessed. xP
When I read your post, it seemed so much like a textbook... I suppose that's good?
Last edited by Chrischb (2009-09-26 01:44:58)
MyRedNeptune wrote:
Jonathanpb wrote:
whenever I refer to andresmh, I call him Andrés.
Did you memorize all the symbols? xP
I only memorized the combinations Alt 129 and Alt 0220.
Yes, I am that obsessed. xP
No! I only have Alt 0233 (é) and 0235 (ë) memorized. I just press random keys...
I notice that 129 and 0220 produce ü and Ü... is this for Übermensch (Übermensch! Can I join? Nah, just kidding)?
Last edited by Jonathanpb (2009-09-26 03:48:07)
Chrischb wrote:
When I read your post, it seemed so much like a textbook... I suppose that's good?
You mean the layout? I like that: you can see the different things you can do for your password.
archmage wrote:
Here is a good password
start with 1-2 random numbers
Then a acronum of something familiar ie every good boy derserves fudge = e,g,b,d,f
end with 1-2 random numbers
Acronyms work well, but they aren't random... but they do work pretty well.
The only threat is that the hackers might guess the acronym.
No, at that point, it would not even be possible for a computer to brute force your password in a reasonable time. That was the method for picking passwords that my computer science teacher recommended.
Making your password all symbols is stupid especially when you consider that most sites don't allow weird characters to be used.
If you really want a random and hard to remember password just use a site like this one.
Last edited by archmage (2009-09-26 04:00:39)
Acronyms are great! I wasn't saying that they're easy to hack, you know. It's just that if you're stupid (which I'm sure you're not), you might do one that hackers will guess.
If you make up a language utilising the latin alphabet that could also prove quite useful. Or you could just try pig latin. But maybe... what if the hacker is actually you trying to recover your account and the first hacker read this post, DAN DAN! xD Ok. that wont happen.
Jonathanpb wrote:
Acronyms are great! I wasn't saying that they're easy to hack, you know. It's just that if you're stupid (which I'm sure you're not), you might do one that hackers will guess.
That is why you put 1-2 random numbers before and after it. The person would need to guess the acronym as well as the numbers which is pretty much impossible.
Last edited by archmage (2009-09-26 09:43:46)
I just fixed my password so now it's extremely secure.
Jonathanpb wrote:
[ü and Ü... is this for Übermensch (Übermensch! Can I join? Nah, just kidding)?
Yes it is. xD
Btw here's a chart of all special Alt characters, for anybody who's interested:
I have a few good symbols:
Some of the best passwords can be made up like this:
1) Come up with a sentence (longer the better), like: I like to walk the dog around the block.
2) Make a password up from the first letters of each word: Iltwtdatb
3) Add some punctuation caracters to it: *Iltwtdatb!
There! Now you have an easy to remember password that no one will ever guess and isn't found in any dictionary.
MyRedNeptune wrote:
Here's a chart of all special Alt characters, for anybody who's interested:
Thank you so much! I put the link in the topic (you get credit, so don't throw a shuriken cookie at me). It seems like each character has several different numbers. Like ë can be 137 or 0235. Weird... but handy for getting random characters.
MyRedNeptune wrote:
Jonathanpb wrote:
[ü and Ü... is this for Übermensch (Übermensch! Can I join? Nah, just kidding)?
Yes it is. xD
Btw here's a chart of all special Alt characters, for anybody who's interested:
I AM interested! I'm favoriting it for future reference.
floatingmagictree wrote:
I just fixed my password so now it's extremely secure.
I'm glad. I helped someone change their password! (I hope)
Added more tips and included MyRedNeptune's link.
0╨►_◄4.♦á4♠514♠54♦Ä6§ <-----that is what I got.
I changed this to this: asfd╨►_◄GHh[}.♦á♠13045853♠54♦Ä6§_I got ∞ ₧!!
What a strong password ! Thanks for the tips! Btw, the Pts part is actually 1 symbol.
Normal (Pts)
Symbol (₧)
See the difference?
Last edited by terminator68 (2009-11-08 11:59:09)
What I reccomend is something like this:
Where # is a number, and L is a letter. I reccomend all of the numbers to make up a date like a special event or a historical figure's birthdate, or even yours. For the Letters, I reccomend those being an acronym for a phrase or saying of somebody. Maybe a motto or something. I currently use it, on runescape and scratch, and it works VERY well.
I love this thread!
The-Whiz, it's a repeated pattern! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
But it's fine because you must have a new one; otherwise you wouldn't be telling us.
Chrischb wrote:
I love this thread!
The-Whiz, it's a repeated pattern! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
But it's fine because you must have a new one; otherwise you wouldn't be telling us.
Chris, by that it means that the Ls are different letters, and the #s are different numbers. Look at the post before lol...
Hey! This got bumped up!
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