Don't know if this can count as a remixing story... ^^
I remember creating the idea of Guestbook projects. ^_^ A lot of people back then requested for an "about me" section on the My Stuff page, that's where the idea originated from. So I created my first Guestbook project and encouraged other people to remix. It became quite popular, but died out quickly because I got bored with it.
Here's a gallery with all the Guestbooks:
andresmh wrote:
coolperson wrote:
coolperson wrote:
Here's my story of the impossible games:
I saw pinochio's Extreme game and decided to make it crazy hard. Here's that one: Then, I came accross a game called Hardcore Pong by -db- and decided to make it impossible, too. Here's that one: My current work of impossibleness: Pacman impossible! Yep, you read it right! If you touch any red, you lose a life! Also: Bubble trouble impssible, remix of weswesrock's project! Keep a lookout for em'!Can you give me some feedback, Andres?
That's great. Do you think pinochio and -db- liked the remixes?
Yeah, I think they did.
JSO wrote:
daringprettykitty - stop spamming with your dragon eggs. Who's going to click them anyway?
You should remove the posts... Those three seems to be his/her only posts anyway.
JSO wrote:
I know what you mean but look, a dragon-caver probably is a kid and should join Scratch instead of wasting his/her time by browsing the internet for forums to spam
I agree, why not learn to program and make a dragon game
I remixed lighning900's project ANIMATE IT!. I remixed lighning900's project because he posted in the troubleshooting forum saying that it wasn't working properly online. So I had a look at the project. Fixed it and uploaded it so lighning900 could have a look at what I did and fix up his own. Here is the forum that he posted in (link to forum).
I saw JSO's Snake game just when he had uploaded it It was great I really liked it!
I had recently seen a flash snake game with mouse control, so I remixed JSO's project into a mouse controlled snake game.
That's the only time I have remixed a project
Well, I recently uploaded a project called Archer Ownage. This project was a collaboration, and took a while to complete. I think it turned out amazing though! First, I programmed an intro and menu, then Brass45 downloaded it and made it better. We had no idea what the game should be about so we decided it would be about an archer, and his quest for revenge. Then, we got others in evil string (company) to animate and draw for our game (Venus8000, littletonkslover,Webgal15).We came up with a story line, while the art was being being made, and then we had our game plannned in our head already! When this was done, me and Brass45 remixed each others projects about 10 times until we had perfected everything, and the game was complete. Then we got Scratchers to test the project, and they warned us about glitches. The last final attempt at removing glitches was done by me, and then we uploaded it
This was probably very boring for you to read, but we worked VERY hard! About 6 people worked on this!
This was probably very boring for you to read, but we worked VERY hard!
The project: Play it here
People who worked on this:
Last edited by pinochio (2009-12-07 07:17:23)
I just remixed a project called DRESSTHEMONKEY. It was a serendipitous remix. Once it really gets a story, I'll post that story here.
Category 1: Project 2010.
People haven't been remixing this lately, but it had a big boom at the start.
andresmh wrote:
4. Remix to annoy others. I am not so interested in stories like this one because I think I already have enough of them (One example was glough)
I think glough actually would've stopped if we didn't give the reaction we gave. If we had offered to teach him how to make his own projects maybe... I know that when I asked him politely to stop on his 'gllaw' account just after I got back from Japan he said he would for a little, and I haven't seen any action like that since. Anyway, Keani remixed my Binary Encryptor and created something... something wonderful with the Binary Word Encryptor, which Paddle2See gave a tip towards which made it even better.
I have a GREAT remixing story about my most popular project "Elmo Knows Where Lucario Lives!" (BTW: Lucario is my favorite Pokemon!). It was a remix of WonderEye's project "ELMO KNOWS THINGS YOU DON'T". 2 people remixed and changed the title (Like me) to "Elmo Knows Where (Character's name) Lives!". 2 remixes was the most remixes I'm ever gotten at the time.
My most 'famous' (If you would call it that lol) project was a remix of a featured project that was in German, but I translated it to english XD.
It was like, the second top viewed recently for two minutes lol.
i try to get people to remix. it doesn't happen. Like my Small World project...
I recently made a project called "Where do YOU come from?" with the intent that other Scratchers would remix. It is a remix chain, but instead of an add-yourself or coloring contest, it was meant to show the great diversity of Scratchers around the world. So far I haven't got that many remixes, but that's okay, and I have high hopes!
cheddargirl wrote:
monkeyboy62 wrote:
you can edit my seans life rpg game, but i came here to broadcast it.
seans lifes supposed to be like my life and the people i meet. i need help making it, so if anyone wants to add themselves to the game, submit some details and other traits of the charecter to [e-mail address removed by moderator]. please i really need new charecters or else the game will be short. im trying to make it a really long game like runescape except without fightingHey monkeyboy62, for security reasons, I had to remove your e-mail address from your post. Also, your post seems to be better suited for the 'Show and Tell' forums - you can create a new thread in the 'Show and Tell' forums and ask for help on your project there.
hmmm your are write "Everything is better when you add a little cheddar, because when you add cheese your life is at ease." liked it.. over all very nice stories.
This is a story about an serendipitous (I think that is the right word) collaboration that has not finished yet,
I decided to make a dictionary on scratch because as I was very bored. So I made a very simple project and asked people to suggest more words...
Within 5 or so minutes, someone replied with a few words. This person thought it was a good idea, so decided to advertise help for it on his/her page. As more and more comments came flooding in, I found it was getting late where I live. So I asked this person to manage the dictionary for the night, and also to add all the things I had not. So when I looked at the remix this person made, I found about twice-three times as many words on there than I had before. This person had even added an alternate spelling for colo(u)r. Thanks to this scratcher, I suddenly realised how helful scratch really is when you want to make something far beyond the means of any man or woman. Now, the dictionary is still in development, but it has become so much easier to do- just because of collaberation
Last edited by Hadlab (2011-04-26 13:28:04)
andresmh wrote:
Thanks again! Excellent stories.
How do you think the "Based on ___ project" part underneath the remix influences people when remixing? Is that enough credit?
When are people OK with remixing and when are they not OK with it?
Also, how do you think most people find projects to be remixed?
I only don't like it when someone remixes and takes credit for the game,
it they give the original creator credit they can credit someone else E.G there self also it is all right if you give no credit but i don't like it when in the project notes or somthing they out made by ... there name.unless they add a with help from...
The following is a story of my most recent serendipitous remix:
Metal509's project, overheated, is first in a chain of projects we are making together. (mostly metal509's work for the first 2.) I decided to make it 3d to improve the graphic look. While programming, I noticed a bug, (the player did not lose until they moved off a completely melted tile) which I hadn't noticed in the 2d version, which I fixed in my version. I also compressed some of the sprites and scripts. Metal509 and I were both impressed with the results.
From the first page:
andresmh wrote:
How do you think the "Based on ___ project" part underneath the remix influences people when remixing? Is that enough credit?
Personally, depending on how much I change a project, I often go around the remix thing and just give credit on the side for the part I stole. ;-)
For example, In my project Overheated 3d, I left the remix thing, because the game concept is Metal509's, even though I changed it a lot and fixed a bug, In essence, it is still his game.
Anything more then that, I would bypass the remix thing. One cannot determine ahead of time if people will say "Oh cool RemixerGuy made an awesome game!," Or "Its a nice game, but RemixerGuy stole it from ProjectGuy, so i'll go compliment him."
Depending on how much you changed, there should be different levels of remix.
andresmh wrote:
When are people OK with remixing and when are they not OK with it
In general I would think people would be OK with remixing when you change something to make it better, such as fixing a bug or enhancing graphics. They would not be OK with it when the person remixes it without changing much at all (if anything) just to have a nice project on their account for once.
andresmh wrote:
Also, how do you think most people find projects to be remixed?
Top remixed, or a friend asks for help with a project, or something else on the front page. Same way they find projects in general.
Hope this helps!