Well, it certanly looks like your trying to trick us, seeming as its two diffrent windows, its because when you upload your picture it takes a while. You probably had a window open, and venver refreshed it, and opend another window of the same person, and its changed because he changed it while you were still on the nonrefreshed page.
Wow 824 messages and yea that happens to me sometimes just refresh easy
No way. I remember, theses guys used my project as a chatroom, (it was 4 guys) and i came back with 999 messages. But i think thats really cool. Because i dont think the limit is 999, so it was really coincidently!
heybrian1 wrote:
Well, it certanly looks like your trying to trick us, seeming as its two diffrent windows, its because when you upload your picture it takes a while. You probably had a window open, and venver refreshed it, and opend another window of the same person, and its changed because he changed it while you were still on the nonrefreshed page.
How is this trying to trick you?
Try searching for the user "vikaros" and look at his profile picture and then at any of his projects. You will see a different picture.
I think this is because a user had one picture when he made his projects, but changed it later, so that's what I see on his profile.
I tried refreshing on both pages, but I saw the same things.
that happened to me too.
my nightmare picture showed up on my projects, and my really fat dog pic is on my profile.(check it out, that dog is not photoshopped, just insanely fat.)
Sorry, I was wrong in my first post.
I looked at the image properties on the project's page and on the user profile.
It looks like the user page refers to [-code-]_med.png med means medium
and the project page refers to [-code-]_sm.png?[-code-], sm means small
It looks like something strange happend wen vikaros updated his user pic: the small file is updated and the medium one not, or vice versa.
Nothing to worry about
Maybe the picutre could fit in the big one but not the small one, but since it could fit in the big one, a message didnt say "Too big".
heybrian1 wrote:
Maybe the picutre could fit in the big one but not the small one, but since it could fit in the big one, a message didnt say "Too big".
I don't think sizing had anything to do with the problem. The picture will always be resized into the correct format.
heybrian1 wrote:
Well, it certanly looks like your trying to trick us, seeming as its two diffrent windows, its because when you upload your picture it takes a while. You probably had a window open, and venver refreshed it, and opend another window of the same person, and its changed because he changed it while you were still on the nonrefreshed page.
No, he is not tricking us. I've seen that happen before.