We created online project where anybody collaboratively can help to make Scratch in Ukrainian. Go to site http://www.library.lviv.ua:8080/projects/scratch_1_2_1/ and start translating phrases. Even translating single phrase you are making great effort to our community.
� оботу по українізації др� панки вже почато.
Кожен може вз� ти уча� ть і допомогти, навіть переклавши одну фразу ви вже вно� ите � вій вклад у роботу.
Переклад здійнюєть� � на � айті http://www.library.lviv.ua:8080/projects/scratch_1_2_1/
Там потрібно перекладати через веб інтерфей� окремі фрази.
Last edited by solvek (2008-03-14 12:16:43)
We are going to prepare Ukrainian translation till 1.3 Release.
So I have some questions:
1. Is it know approxlimely release date of Scratch 1.3? (I hope it will support Unicode?)
2. What we shold to do in order to include Ukrainian localization into official 1.3 release pack?
3. Please include link http://www.library.lviv.ua:8080/projects/scratch_1_2_1/ on page http://scratch.mit.edu/pages/languages
Hello solvek,
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
I've sent you an email with a longer response, but I will respond to your questions quickly here, too:
solvek wrote:
1. Is it know approxlimely release date of Scratch 1.3? (I hope it will support Unicode?)
The current release date for the new Scratch version which will support Unicode characters is Summer 2008.
solvek wrote:
2. What we shold to do in order to include Ukrainian localization into official 1.3 release pack?
For now, the best way to get your localization file into the latest Scratch release is to email it directly to scratch-feedback@media.mit.edu.
solvek wrote:
3. Please include link http://www.library.lviv.ua:8080/projects/scratch_1_2_1/ on page http://scratch.mit.edu/pages/languages
Ok! I will add a Ukranian page to the Wiki and add your link.
Thank you very much!
MIT Scratch Team