I'm really quite annoyed I have already had 3 of these messages for the following comments
Lanie if you are online now come to the General Knowledge Gallery STRAIGHT AWAY I need to tell you something with as few people as possible seeing
I think that this project is really good for a first one, I would maybe advise to be a bit less ambitious because it is rather glitchy, otherwise a brilliant project and I love it
and once more which I can't remember
That is 3 this month and I have already had one before about it when there was nothing wrong
I am beginning to get rather annoyed and worried about my account being frozen for no fair reason can you please tell me what is happening
I just got this message too, and my project "Mario vs Luigi: Flaming Fart Fight!" was removed. I do acknowledge that there is some crude humor in the project (they fight with flaming farts) but I don't think it was inappropriate. If the game doesn't go back sometime soon I will be sending some angry e-mails.
Last edited by archmage (2008-02-17 16:54:21)
My dog peeing animation got removed but there WAS NOTHING INNAPROPIATE. If 5-year olds play Nintendogs and see dogs peeing, then how is my project any more offensive???
Ive never gotten it, but it looks the message gets shown when comments and projects go through a filter. Maybe the filter thought those comments were inaproprate. This filter has had small problems before.
I've never gotten it yet. Can someone post a screenshot?
It must be automated, the message appears directly when you post a comment. So or it is a strange bug, or there is a filter, and that proves that automated filters always are buggy.
The First time I seen this I was really disappointed...
once i said "This game could use a little touch up. First blahblah blah (i gave reasons how to make it better. didnt actually say "blah") and then i went to forums, came back, and saw that message, and i notcied my comment on the project was deleted! Its good to have people say "if you did this it would be better."