plz help me!!! plz!!!! I need it to be like when you click this you go to that and yahh sumthing like that.
Here is one approach:
1. On the stage backgrounds tab, make different backgrounds for each level using the paint editor.
2. On the stage scripts area, set up a bunch of "When I Recieve" hat blocks (one block for each level) and give them message names like "Level 1", "Level 2" and so on. Under each hat block put a "Switch to Background" block and set it to the background that is right for each level.
<when I receive[ Level Three
<switch to costume[ Background for level 3
(Note: That should be "Switch to Background")
3. Now, when you want to switch to a new level, you can use the "Broadcast" block from any sprite or the stage and set it to the message for the level you want.
<when green flag clicked>
<wait until><touching color[ Whatever
<broadcast[ Level Three
4. You can also set up "When I Recieve" hat blocks in the script area for each sprite and control whether you want it to "Show" or "Hide" for that level and also set up start locations and anything else you want.
I hope that helps
i dont get it. im still stuck, even after youve said all that
I know how to make levels! You make a variable, show the variable, and have certain things show in certain costumes while the variable equals something.
For an example, take a look at my "Which Cat Is Different? (fixed)" game—you don't have to download it to understand it, though it might help.
I am tryi g the get the code that let's my car hot the finish line and then switched the background so I can create another level.
I tried When I recieve my sorite swirtch background to-didn't wirk
Tried the broadcast command... I am frustrated and need this for a grade on my personal learning project<y position>
First, add the next background as a second costume to the stage (or sprite) that has the first background showing. Then, you have to have a way of knowing that the car has crossed the finish line. You could make the finish line into a sprite, then check to see if the car is touching the finish line. Unless they drive backwards, lol. Anyway, once they cross the finish line, just do a costume change on the Stage (or sprite) to switch to the 2nd background, move the car to it's starting position and bam, the next race is on.
you have to use the <show> and <hide> blocks once an event happens.
sto0025 wrote:
i don't know how to make the start go to level1 how do u do it plz help me i am doing this for an assignment
If you're using the above code that Paddle2See suggested, try using:
When Green Flag Clicked
Broadcast [level 1]
But next time, please try making your own thread when posting questions. It will help you get an answer much faster and won't annoy people because of necroposting
Ok...I'm working on a project that is a maze game in which you use the arrow keys to move a ball to a finish line. I want to make it so that when the ball touches the finish line it goes to level 2 and so do you do this???