when you all thought dearkids was a great artisit i have discovered he is an artist theif and claims everyone elses art for example bubs.
now go to the gallery and see what he says
"I made these they are all mine" HAHA!busted i made a project about go see it.
He never actually claimed he did it and it is a bit unfair to just spoil it, I might make a Harry Potter card club and I can't draw so I'd get cards off the internet, I think you should opoligise
i have no idea what your talking about, but i know that no one really uses sprites that are drawn.
Many people do.
no. unless you call sprites taken from the internet drawing, then no. i have never seen someone use a sprite that was drawan in scratch.
For what? a storyline? because if it is, its reguler for that your just saying" use this in your story."
Lanie wrote:
What about it?
Heybrian wrote:
no. unless you call sprites taken from the internet drawing, then no. i have never seen someone use a sprite that was drawan in scratch.
You have never seen someone use a sprite that drew themself??? There are many, look at some of forcemaster's projects. Almost all of them use sprites that he drew himself in scratch. He is just an example, many other people, like me, do too (except I use Photoshop a lot).
I usually use online images because I'm not a very good artist - and also because why spend hours drawing dozens of animation frames when somebody else has already done the hard work?
Or I find a photgraph or drawing rather than a pre-made sprite, and carefully edit it to suit the game.
But the sprites for my Warbot animation were all drawn by me.
I draw all my own sprites ^-^
Heybrian wrote:
no. unless you call sprites taken from the internet drawing, then no. i have never seen someone use a sprite that was drawan in scratch.
I draw my sprites. ^_^
There are many people who draw on Scratch, btw, what's so bad in taking sprites from the internet?
No one is claiming that taking sprites from the internet is wrong (though it might be, if the person who posted the sprites did not give permission for re-use).
What exezima was complaining about was someone taking sprites from the internet, and then claiming that they created them. The offense is not in using the sprites, but in not giving credit to the original creator.
Whenever you use someone else's work (sprites, code, whatever), you should give them credit in the project notes.
Robin7 wrote:
Heybrian wrote:
no. unless you call sprites taken from the internet drawing, then no. i have never seen someone use a sprite that was drawan in scratch.
You have never seen someone use a sprite that drew themself??? There are many, look at some of forcemaster's projects. Almost all of them use sprites that he drew himself in scratch. He is just an example, many other people, like me, do too (except I use Photoshop a lot).
No! lol. i ment no one has ever posted a sprite and someone downloaded it and used it for there game.
MyRedNeptune wrote:
Heybrian wrote:
no. unless you call sprites taken from the internet drawing, then no. i have never seen someone use a sprite that was drawan in scratch.
I draw my sprites. ^_^
There are many people who draw on Scratch, btw, what's so bad in taking sprites from the internet?
i never said taking from the internet wsa wrong. And i mean someone draws a sprite puts it up someone downloads the sprite and makes there own game.
exezima wrote:
when you all thought dearkids was a great artisit i have discovered he is an artist theif and claims everyone elses art for example bubs.
now go to the gallery and see what he says
"I made these they are all mine" HAHA!busted i made a project about go see it.
Dearkids is really cool with me. But taking credit for others sprites is wrong.
I draw all my spirtes aswell (i only base some off other pictire but i do draw all my own)
So Come on down to the MahoAshley Sprite Request Gallery!
Heybrian wrote:
no. unless you call sprites taken from the internet drawing, then no. i have never seen someone use a sprite that was drawan in scratch.
Erm... ever heard of myredneptune, Rainyday2, etc..?
I admire people who a brave enough to post games with sprites they drew. Personally, i'm a pretty good artist. It's just that i'm really bad at using paint on the computer.
MahoAshley wrote:
I draw all my spirtes aswell (i only base some off other pictire but i do draw all my own)
http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/9992 … ahoxq2.png
So Come on down to the MahoAshley Sprite Request Gallery!
http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/1125 … valaz7.png
i belive you, but THOSE sprites, no way you drew them. those cant fool me.
You can hand-draw sprites, then get them into your computer with a scanner or a digital camera. A little cleanup and resizing with Photoshop Elements or other photo editor can produce great costumes for sprites.