When I upload a project that all it does is wait 0.1 secs & switches to the next costume over & over again it doesn't work. It either gets stuck on a costume or gets mixed up. Can any1 sugest a way 2 stop that happening on the online verison?
Tell us the URL for the project, and we can look at it.
The big macs from outer space program http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Mick/7086 is definitely tickling a bug in the java implementation. It works fine in the squeak implementation, but the image freezes on the 10th costume in the java implementation.
The program is still running, as it gets to the play sound at about the right time, so the problem appears to be with "next costume" not with repeat or wait.
Last edited by kevin_karplus (2007-06-05 14:17:10)
Hi, Mick. Thanks for reporting this. There is a bug in the Player when you have copies of the exact same costume appearing in several places in a sprites Costumes list. I'll try to fix it soon.
Meanwhile, a workaround is to export the costume that you want to have multiple copies of and import it several time rather than using the "copy" button to make the copies. Let me know if that fixes the problem.
You could also avoid having any exact copies by nesting repeat loops for costumes 29 and 30:
repeat 2 times
switch to costume 29
wait 0.1 sec
switch to costume 30
wait 0.1 sec
switch to costume 29
wait 0.1 sec
johnm wrote:
Meanwhile, a workaround is to export the costume that you want to have multiple copies of and import it several time rather than using the "copy" button to make the copies. Let me know if that fixes the problem.
Is it actually possible to copy costumes from one sprite to another? I don't see any "export costume" functionality.
rivendell wrote:
Is it actually possible to copy costumes from one sprite to another? I don't see any "export costume" functionality.
You can copy a costume by dragging the picture of the costume in the costumes tab to the picture of another sprite in the list of sprites under the stage.