I uploaded my first project today. On my PC in Scratch, it works perfectly, but once uploaded the first screen flickers. It should go to ghost effect 100 when space bar is clicked, instead it just flashes on and off all the time. Please help!
It's space Adventure, by spy2712
Maybe you should include a link?
You need the address of the project (from the address bar). And then put it in your post with "" just before it and "" at the end of it.
EDIT: Oops! Click on the "[img] tag" link to read a better explanation or go to "Scratch Forums Help".
Last edited by Calimero_200 (2008-03-11 09:31:44)
Have you put the programming for the menu like this?
[blocks]<when[ space ]key pressed>
With the forever?
Last edited by Calimero_200 (2008-03-11 10:04:51)
Calimero_200, your solution will nock down everything. you don't need the forever.
I have watched the code, and I know what's the problem.
<when[ space ]key pressed>
<change[ ghost ]effect by( 100
<when[ space ]key pressed>
If you want to kow why, just ask.
That could be becuase of your net connection and JSO was right (I think...). I was referring to the instructions being a seperate sprite - not as part of the background if that's what it is, It would knock down everything though.
Last edited by Calimero_200 (2008-03-11 11:31:29)
When you use calimero's code, it will only work offline (like i sead, but you can only see it between the lines ) .
The hide block will use CPU power. You have to use it once. If my mom asks me to stop scratching once (if I listen), i will stop. But with forever.... My mom would repeat it - forever!
It's the same with scratch, if it repeats hide (hidehidehidehidehidehide and so on ) your computer will slow down.
Remove the forever, and everything will work fine.
Last edited by JSO (2008-03-11 14:26:57)