Hey Packman, why'd Blackpaw leave SunClan? xD
Let's RP btw.
hi neptune!!! :3 omg i just relized... we never RP together!!!! XD wanna rp?
Bleh, I'm late, sorry! ^^ Who are your charries? :-D
Owlstar breathed in the fresh morning air. His wounds were healing, he felt new strength filling his body, and his eager desire to explore returned to him. Seeking to fulfill it, he set off into the dark forest away from camp. Unexplored and filled with mystery it seemed to him, and with each breath of sweet air he took, his desire pushed him forward with greater strength until he was basically soaring over the bushes, his paws barely touching the ground.
....Lol. xD Then suddenly, he ran into Mountaindew. "Hey!" Owlstar grumbled, getting up from the ground and rubbing his head.
well i have racoonkit and mouseclaw in midnightclan and rain in shadowclan.
insanepoptart wrote:
well i have racoonkit and mouseclaw in midnightclan and rain in shadowclan.
I have Owlstar from SunClan and Mountaindew from MidnightClan. :-D And Taffy from EagleClan.
can mouseclaw and racoonkit meet moutaindew? XD they never have.
Mouseclaw was peacefuly sleeping in the nursery with Racoonkit curled up beside her.
Last edited by insanepoptart (2009-10-17 11:42:16)
Hi mousey. if i dissapear randomly, then come back, its because me and DyingSun are taking turns on the computer. XD
Darkfire sat in the sun. "......"
Last edited by Arcanine4535 (2009-10-17 11:45:19)
Hi Arcy! xD
"Hey!" Mountaindew echoed and got up, shaking any dust off. Owlstar blushed and ran away in utter embarrassment. Mountaindew watched as the white tom disappeared into the bushes. He shook his head and headed for MidnightClan camp. He realized that he hadn't even communicated with any of his clanmates since he joined MidnightClan, which was strange. He hardly remembered their names.
D: Still here?
nvm! XD hi MRN!
Oh right! I wanted to ask you MRN, if I could try to be a mod. I dont kjnow if you ever saw me ask you but...
Last edited by Arcanine4535 (2009-10-17 11:49:25)
Mouseclaw yawned and then got up. "Come on Racoonkit. Let's go see you brother and father." She said on a motherly voice. Mouseclaw carried Racoonkit (even though he's big and nikki is gunna make him an apprentice soon. XD) over to Darkfire where he was lying. "Hello." she mewed. "HI DAD!!!!" Racoonkit squeeled.
RP in Guardians people (we'll still RP here). xD
kk. Darkfire turned over. "?...oh, hi Raccoonkit." He purred. (Raccoonkit is crazy. O_O)
im not a member of gaurdians. XD i'll just stay here. :3
Racoonkit leaped around trying to pin down his tail. "Where's Shadowkit?"
Last edited by insanepoptart (2009-10-17 11:51:58)
"I think he's over there on that tree branch...WAIT....WHAT??" o-o
XD I have a strange feeling no ones here...o-o
Last edited by Arcanine4535 (2009-10-17 11:54:57)
"NO!!! HE'LL FALL!!!!" Racoonkit ran from his mom and dad to go save shadowkit. "SHADOWKIT?!?!? WHAT IS ARE YOU, SUICIDAL!?!?" he shouted remembering what happened when he fell.
Mountaindew slid into camp and stopped in the middle, confused. What should he do next? Noticing two cats, he headed to them. "Hello!" he shouted to them, not realizing that they were having a discussion. He walked over to the she-cat and nudged her playfully. "How's it goin' sweetie?"
(WARNING: he's VERY inappropriate and obnoxious, and he's not aware of it xD)
Mouseclaw looked up in fear. "EEP!!! PERV CAT!!!!" XD She hid behind darkfire.
Shadowkit looked back at Raccoonkit. "> What are you doing?!!" (Yay. My sisters going to a volleyball game so I get the cp. >
hehe.... nice arcy. XD
"WHAT AM I DOING!?! IM SAVING YOUR LIFE!!!!" XD he slowly backed away. "ok... now follow me... back up slowly... then climb down."
Mountaindew looked confused. "I'm sorry..." he mumbled, looking at Darkfire. "Is this your mate?"
Mouseclaw nodded. "mmhm.... and uhh.... who are y-you??!" she stayed behind darkfire.
"I'm Mountaindew!" he smiled pleasantly. "Say, what's your name?" he asked the she-cat, ignoring Darkfire.
Shadowkit slipped on a wet branch and started surfing down the branch and once he got to the ground, he skidded into Mountaindew.