Well, I've done it. I've taken a step into the world of software development. After watching Steve Jobs unveil the iPhone update today, I was inspired to download the iPhone SDK (Software Development Kit), and create NoCoolSoft, which was created on March 6, 2008 at 6:12:23 PM EST. Development on our first apps will take place very soon. Those who want to know what's coming, I plan to port a game I created on Scratch (Airman 4.5), a social networking/development environment (http://scratch.mit.edu/) from MIT. I will also be allowing members of the community there to recommend (very basic) projects for early development. (To those of you reading this on the Scratch Forums: This means a gallery, to be created soon.) My experiences with Scratch will help later in life, for sure.
Those of you who have iPhones should email gosox5555@mac.com (my .Mac address) if you wish to beta test these games. They will not be available for weeks, most likely, but when they are, you will be the first to know.
Thanks for reading this lengthy email/post ,
Founder, NoCoolSoft
wow! sounds coolio! i dont have an iphone though, or a cell phone at that, but it sounds really neat! hope you get it up and running soon!