YES PLEASE it would be super nerdy and I don't even know how to speak klingon but it is soo just rebelling against the main point of this forum index subcategory!
Wow, you actually know how to speak Klingon? my step-brother could speak Klingon. I had no clue what he was saying, ever. Is there like, an online translator XD
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Wow, you actually know how to speak Klingon? my step-brother could speak Klingon. I had no clue what he was saying, ever. Is there like, an online translator XD
I know some basic phrases but not grammar and I think there are online translators.
I found a translator translator
I've tried it, and it does not work properly. The grammatical structure of the Klingon language is the English one backwards, and the translator translates the input literally.
How about a forum in Na'vi?
Na'vi would be a great language to have a forum in, and I think people would understand it and know where it was coming from a lot more than Klingon... But, me being a Trekkie, I think there should also be one in Klingon.
HIja' jIH [agree] maH [should] ghaj [Scratch] [forums] Daq tlhIngan vaD Hoch [the] [Trekkies]
(used translator)