I noticed that we only have [go to front] and [go back _ layers]. I think it would be easier if we also have [go to back] and [go forwards _ layers]. I've made sprites that I want in the back, and I had to use a block that says [go back 1000 layers] or some other large number.
Anyone agree?
You can go back at an unlimited number of layers so it wouldn't be possible, unless you made layers like a variable, set layer to [#], see what I mean?
The-Whiz wrote:
Also, you could do something like [go back (-1) layers] for go forward 1 layer.
It worked!
As far as coding the new blocks is concerned, it dead easy. So, I'm guessing, if we make a big enough stink about it the scratch team will add it to 1.5. What I would like to see is a (layer) reporter, a [go to layer () ] command block, and a (number of used layers) reporter.