Or, have a variable called, eg "scene" that increases when your scene changes. Each sprite checks "scene" versus a number and only appears if "scene" = that number. Default status of the sprite should be hidden.
So for a sprite that only appears during scene 4, using the spacebar to change scenes:
When [space bar] pressed
- if scene not =4
-- hide
- else
- (do animation for this scene)
This can also be used to help keep dialogue in synch, instead of using "wait" commands all the time - ie the same sprite can be in 2 scenes, but it will automatically go to the dialogue for teh second scene on receiving the variable, not simply by waiting x seconds (which can get out of synch, especially online)
You can also have a script on the stagethat says:
When [space bar] pressed
- change costume to [scene]
Then, if all the backgrounds on the stage are named "1", "2" etc, the stage background appropriate for the scene will automatically change too.
Incendentally - a good source of backdrops is to do a google image search for "theatrical backdrops" as they have a slightly more sylised look than photos - cartoonish sprites against a photo-real backdrop sometimes clash.
Last edited by Mayhem (2007-06-03 15:15:24)