Does scratch have the ability to prompt a user and then read user input?
I'm looking for the scratch equivalent of this in perl:
# greeting - read the user name and
# echo it back in a greeting!
# input
print "please enter your name: ";
$users_name = <STDIN> ;
# output
print "This is a program to greet ";
print $users_name;
print "on this course\n";
Unfortunately, you can't prompt a user to enter in words like in your example code.
You can, however, get individual letters but it is very fiddly.
You need a sprite with 26 costumes (letters), key-press detection and unless they are being typed directly onto the screen, you need an ordered way of storing the key-presses to replay back later.
It can be done, but (unlike other programming languages) it isn't a "simple starter project".
For a simple starter project around a name, the students would be better off making sprites of the letters of their name and then animating them/applying special effects. Check out the examples that come with Scratch.
Scratch has no character string data class at this point. Chalkmarrow has implemented short character strings in numbers though, check out this project