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#1 2008-03-02 17:03:26

Registered: 2008-01-15
Posts: 97

Ideas For A Velocity Game

I recently stumbled upon what they call velocity. I was throwing together blocks on my own, tested it out, and i became obsessed, and now i want to make a game.

Final Fantasy VII's best characters are Cloud, Nanaki, and Cid. Don't deny it.



#2 2008-03-02 17:07:39

Registered: 2007-08-28
Posts: 100+

Re: Ideas For A Velocity Game

The idea of velocity allows smooth movement that keeps going (or could slowly decrease if you want), and it's pretty vital to some game types.  We'll look forward to seeing what you come up with!

If you need some examples, have a look in "Gravity to Games":

This galllery has lots of differendt ways to use gravity and velocity.



#3 2008-03-02 19:33:18

Registered: 2007-05-18
Posts: 1000+

Re: Ideas For A Velocity Game

I have an idea for you. You could make a scratch version of the flash game ball revamped.
Play it @ -->

It involves basic velocity and the game it's self is pretty fun. Maybe the if you make a scratch version your game will be a hit  big_smile

Last edited by archmage (2008-03-02 19:33:34)

Hi, I am Archmage coder extraordinaire. I do Scratch,pascal,java,php,html, AS2 and AS3. Leave me a message if you want coding advice. Also check out my personal website, lots of good stuff about web development, Flash, and Scratch (v1 and v2) !



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