I think we should have a private message system on the Scratch website!
Here's the why:
I seriously believe that PM will greatly enhance Scratch experience for educators and kids. To back up my statement, I have an example. If a teacher posts a physics test project on the web and if you pass the quiz, the project shows a passcode. Now the teacher wants every student in the class to submit their passcode, but if they just post it on the project, everyone can see! Even if the teacher is a fast clicker, it will be impossible to delete all the messages before someone sees them. PM will be perfect.
It will also be useful for people like me. For example: I am currently making a movie. There are story ideas that people submit, pictures that are drawn, secrets that are suggested and the story direction suggestions. If everyone saw it, no one will want to watch it because they already know what will happen. There are some secrets that should only be sent through private messages.
Here's the safety concerns and solutions:
If we have a filtering for both the user and the webpage. For example, Scratch can have a filter that will get rid of swearing. And I can have a private filter that automatically deletes messages with over 2 hyperlinks or messages with the word "mortagage" (spam).
Many people are concerned with saftey and the content of PM. Even though I will not really be spooked by a PM, I cannot be selfish and ignore the wellbeing of others. So, you can simply add a checkbox that says: No private messages for me, only PM from friends, and accept all PM. Besides these three choices, there should be a user blacklist that blocks people when you "mark as spam".
Thus I conclude my short persuasion with the statement that PM are indeed safe if filtered properly and will be very entertaining for people, which will, in the end, make Scratch a better experience.
Thank you for reading the whole thing and HAPPY SCRATCHING!!!
That's a good idea. When I joined yesterday i expected a PM system. (I have been using Scratch for ages though). I think it would be good for ideas that two users don't want the world to see if they want the animation idea to be secret until the animation is released. That's also a good example you've got there. Scratch is easily an education programme as well as fun so if teachers used it more on the web i think it would be good.
yes i thought there was a pm system but there wasnt
Currently there are a number of messages on the forums complaining about certain users - the complainers not realising that they should use the "contact us" link to get help.
We cannot, then, rely on users who are being abused to have the knowledge/wit to change their PM settings - which means, with PMs, some users would be subject to abuse and this abuse would go unseen by the moderators.
1. There should be a filtering system.
2. As I said. If one person is bad and abuses PM, then it's likely he/she will do it to someone else. If an amount of people report, they will still get banned.
3. We can greatly encourage people to flag inappropriate PMs by putting a graphically cool flag beside every PM.
4. How do you know that people take that as abuse? Sometimes people don't mind.
5. There has been abuse going on since internet was invented. PM is just another medium to conduct it throught. True. But PM is also another way to catch people who abuse.
But really, why chat on scratch? Scratch is not for chatting, its for programming.
But really, PM will be useful. Scratch is for programming. I agree. That's probably why there is nobody suggesting that we add a CHAT button in the Scratch program. But the website: scratch.mit.edu is for sharing and improving others work while they improve your work. PM is the fastest way to do that. For example, if you made a game. It's the beta version and you want a second version. If people start coming up to you in your project and say: You should add this, you should add that, and you should make a surprise here! If they say this all in your project, then there will be no surprise. If they say it in PM, not only do people give you advice secretly, even shy people who have really good ideas can come to give you ideas! You have to agree that PM can be good for us, both educators and educated people.
Rukqo's right! A PM system is needed. You said that people will complain about being abused when they just haven't checked off the box. Well that's tough for them! Really. How many users do you think would abuse others?
Yes. Thank you for your support. Also, I have one more thing to say. PM can allow Scratch to become safer too. Not only safe, but safer. This is because: For example, someone likes to use abusive language. This someone (lets call him abuser for now) can start swearing in a project, but maybe the project maker 1. Doesn't mind. 2. Don't know how to flag things. Then the swearing will go tolerated. If people PM swearing, then the filter is supposed to catch it (There are loads of free lang filters that are downloadable on the internet) and the abuser is caught. After the abuser is caught, the abuser can be monitored closely and we can reduce bad language from that particular abuser. If the filter and the Scratch team does their work, we can greatly reduce abuse in Scratch, thus helping to make the Scratch community a safer and better place.
well, i think someone randomly flagged me eight times cuz i got deleted.
Rukqo wrote:
I think we should have a private message system on the Scratch website!
Here's the why:
I seriously believe that PM will greatly enhance Scratch experience for educators and kids. To back up my statement, I have an example. If a teacher posts a physics test project on the web and if you pass the quiz, the project shows a passcode. Now the teacher wants every student in the class to submit their passcode, but if they just post it on the project, everyone can see! Even if the teacher is a fast clicker, it will be impossible to delete all the messages before someone sees them. PM will be perfect.
It will also be useful for people like me. For example: I am currently making a movie. There are story ideas that people submit, pictures that are drawn, secrets that are suggested and the story direction suggestions. If everyone saw it, no one will want to watch it because they already know what will happen. There are some secrets that should only be sent through private messages.
Here's the safety concerns and solutions:
If we have a filtering for both the user and the webpage. For example, Scratch can have a filter that will get rid of swearing. And I can have a private filter that automatically deletes messages with over 2 hyperlinks or messages with the word "mortagage" (spam).
Many people are concerned with saftey and the content of PM. Even though I will not really be spooked by a PM, I cannot be selfish and ignore the wellbeing of others. So, you can simply add a checkbox that says: No private messages for me, only PM from friends, and accept all PM. Besides these three choices, there should be a user blacklist that blocks people when you "mark as spam".
Thus I conclude my short persuasion with the statement that PM are indeed safe if filtered properly and will be very entertaining for people, which will, in the end, make Scratch a better experience.
Thank you for reading the whole thing and HAPPY SCRATCHING!!!
Thats a good idea. I really think that the blocking and language filter for PMing is a great idea! If my friend has a problem, instead of posting it on my project, he could PM me. Oh and its a good idea to only get PM from friends cause some people will spam you and probably flame at you via PM.
This has been discussed before and rejected before. You sound convincing, but search the forums for topics about PM systems to see why it was rejected.
so rulqo are you a teacher or a kid??????
There is no system that can effectively get rid of swearing.
The cases you describe (the physics teacher and the making of a secret game) are so rare that almost seems like too much work for little gain.
Flagging messages is done only after you received the inappropriate message. Parents/teachers will not be happy for their kids to receive even one single bad private message.
For one: People who like to swear usually do it in public. In galleries, and projects.
Two: There are other examples, not just the physics teacher one. For example, people making movies or stories, but don't want others finding out about the secrets in them.
Three: You say that techers/parents don't like their kids to recieve one single bad message. True, but there are already bad messages in the forums/projects. Also, with this system, teachers/parents can make the kids turn off the messaging system, or they can opt to only get message from certain people. (just like the project adding system you have on galleries.)
Four: I know there is a dozen of free filtering systems on the web. Most of them can filter swearing. I know a few that can check inside a word for content. For example, let's say that the word "stupid" is filtered. If you type: s.t.u.p.i.d or s_tupid, or anything with those letters, they can filter it. And most of them are cheaper than the price you use to host this website. Besides, if they don't want PM, then they should be able to opt out of it.
Five: We should be looking for ways to improve experience, not to stop improving. You can at least TRY it and if/when it doesn't work, you can stop it.
And Scratch On!