I think that when someone remixes a game, it should notify the original creator of the game and it should only be able to go online if it is approved by the creator. It should also be able to be toggle-able(it can go on and off whether the original creator wants it or not). That would also say that the owner knows that the game is a remix and it has changes, ergo the credit factor might be removed if the original owner doesn't require it.
plz respond
Yes. I agree that this will be awesome. But there is a problem. If a person has to wait a long time before their project goes online, they might just try to get around the credit system. For example, I can export every single background and sprites into a new project and there will be no "based on.." thingy. Most people don't mind the "based on" thingy, but when they are forced to wait for a few days before the project goes online, more people are "encouraged" to get around the credit system just a avoid waiting. So this might not be as simple as we think.