Scratch needs more 'When" blocks. There is the 'When I Recieve ______" block, but that starts a script. What about a "when I recieve" block that you can insert into scripts. Or a "When _______" that you can put inside scripts. The blank spot is a diamond shaped area like the ones used in sensing.
So here are my ideas in point form:
-----"When I Recieve _________" that doesn't start a script
-----"When <______>" that you can (start a)/(insert into a) script with
That would be a good idea. In addition they could get rid of the "change ___ by (_)" because you can just "set ___ to ((this variable) + (the amount you want to change it by))".
Lucario621 wrote:
That would be a good idea. In addition they could get rid of the "change ___ by (_)" because you can just "set ___ to ((this variable) + (the amount you want to change it by))".
Not in all cases. in a repeat untill you can do change by 1 mmultiple times
All "change var by ..." can be replaced by "set var to var + ...", but that does take longer to set up, so the "change by" block is often useful.