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#1 2009-10-03 06:49:59

Registered: 2009-09-17
Posts: 1

How to move from a script to another?

Hi there, I'm Italian and to write in English is a bit hard for me, sorry for my mistakes!
I hope to manage to explain myself.

I'm new at Scratch but I would like to complete my first project...

My problem: Clicking on a sprite I'd like another sprite would appear..
[a help botton clicked shows the instructions for a game].

Someone could help me?
Thank you.

[blocks] <when[  ]clicked> [/blocks]



#2 2009-10-03 08:43:06

Registered: 2007-07-07
Posts: 100+

Re: How to move from a script to another?

aliceguardaigatti wrote:

... Clicking on a sprite I'd like another sprite would appear..
[a help botton clicked shows the instructions for a game].

[blocks] <when[  ]clicked> [/blocks]

Hi aliceguardaigatti,

In your button sprint, have the "when clicked" head block execute a broadcast with some message like "help button clicked".  Then your  other script would have a "when I receive help button clicked" head block.  Good luck with finishing your first project.

<when[  ]clicked>
<broadcast[ help button clicked ]and wait c>

Other sprite has

<when I receive[ help button clicked
<go to x sad  0 )y sad  0
<go to front>

I've updated my text adventure game.
Colossal Cave 150



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