We should be able to private message users, for example, so you can discuss a game you are making together but don't want to ruin the suprise, or the code to the last level of your game because they can't do it, but you don't want others cheating. I think this would be a great feature, but there must be a feature with options like:
[] Allow Private Messages
[] Allow Private messages for friends.
[] Don't allow Private Messages.
Hope you like, please comment,
Ps. I do hope there isn't this feature already, else I might murder myself!
This has been discussed on the forums several times, and I am sure it would be useful in some cases. But, with all messages public, anyone can read posts. So, when someone posts an inappropriate message, it can be flagged. With private, people can send harmfull messages without anyone seeing it...
JSO wrote:
This has been discussed on the forums several times, and I am sure it would be useful in some cases. But, with all messages public, anyone can read posts. So, when someone posts an inappropriate message, it can be flagged. With private, people can send harmfull messages without anyone seeing it...
That is true, but I think it's a good idea, to stop that, make a filter system that checks the messages, if they're harmful, it could not send them, if not, send it on it's way, that way no harmful messages could get through. Kinda like a metal dectector or something like that at an airport or train station.
It is not possible to write a filter that would be 100% effective. People are too clever. Even at airports, they have people to back up the metal detectors.
Private messaging will not be implemented due to the reasons stated before: safety and lack of supportive evidence that it would make the Scratch experience better.
messd002 wrote:
Ps. I do hope there isn't this feature already, else I might murder myself!
If people are OK with saying that they would murder themselves on a public forum (even if it's a figurative speech), imagine what would happen once people know no one is "listening"!
Is it possible to change your mind? If it is, here's the arguement:
If we have a filtering for both the user and the webpage. For example, Scratch can have a filter that will get rid of swearing. And I can have a private filter that automatically deletes messages with over 2 hyperlinks or messages with the word "mortagage" (spam).
Also, I seriously believe that PM will greatly enhance Scratch experience for educators and kids. To back up my statement, I have another example. If a teacher posts a physics test project on the web and if you pass the quiz, the project emits a passcode. Now the teacher wants every student in the class to submit their passcode, but if they just post it on the project, everyone can see! Even if the teacher is a fast clicker, it will be impossible to delete all the messages before someone sees them. PM will be perfect.
It will also be useful for people like me. (For the excellent reasons and discussions above.)
Also, many people are concerned with saftey. Even though I will not really be spooked by a PM, I cannot be selfish and ignore the wellbeing of others. So, you can simply add a checkbox that says: No private messages for me, only PM from friends, and accept all PM. Besides these three choices, there should be a user blacklist that blocks people when you "mark as spam".
Thus I conclude my short persuasion with the statement that PM are indeed safe if filtered properly and will be very entertaining for people, which will, in the end, make Scratch a better experience.
Thank you for reading the whole thing and HAPPY SCRATCHING!!!
Rukqo summed up my point nicely on who can message you. If you have people sending you inappropriate messages, simply add them {like many mmorpg's} to your ignore list. Then they cannot PM you. Flag the user and that user can be checked to see if they frequently do this. This would provide the same if not better security of the forums, and they are still here!
Uses, no doubt companys like the successful Crank Inc would find PMing extremely useful. It allows people to work together, one of the key ellements of scratch I thought, whilst cutting down on spamming and copying. I fail to see how you cannot see the uses of PMing.
Last edited by messd002 (2008-03-01 06:34:01)
Also, you can put a report button in a PM box that says: report. If a person is reported by a certain number of people, say 10, then he/she will be blocked temporarily from PM usage. If she is reported by 10 people again, then he/she can lose all PM usage and privilege
this is a great idea!
seriouslly fix your bunny its...had better days.