Hello all,
I and some scratchers plan to hold a workshop named "Make your own sensor board and play it!". So we are checking the document about sensor board.
"ScratchBoard_Tech_InfoR1 (1).pdf" says the license issue is described on the following text.
However this text is missing. Does anyone know where it is?
Thank you for your help.
Kazuhiro Abe
abee wrote:
Hello all,
I and some scratchers plan to hold a workshop named "Make your own sensor board and play it!". So we are checking the document about sensor board.
"ScratchBoard_Tech_InfoR1 (1).pdf" says the license issue is described on the following text.
However this text is missing. Does anyone know where it is?
Thank you for your help.
Kazuhiro Abe
Yes, I've asked about that before. Maybe a Scratch Team member would answer?
The license for the Scratch Sensor Boards (and related boards such as the Picoboard) can now be found at http://info.scratch.mit.edu/Sensor_Board. The license is listed under the files heading on that page. The Scratch Board technical information document now reflects the new URL as well. Thanks for bringing the broken link to our attention.