How to make a line maker:
1. Open new project
2. Create two red balls that are both draggable online
3. Create and sprite, it doesn't matter what it looks like because you wont see it.
4. Apply these scripts to the sprite made in step 3:
when flag clicked
set pen size to (size of the line, I prefer you use 10)
set pen color to (color of line)
forever {
pen down
glide 1.0000 (It doesn't matter how many zeros to the right of the decimal, as long as
there is a lot!) seconds to (name of ball one)
glide 1.0000 (It doesn't matter how many zeros to the right of the decimal, as long as
there is a lot!) seconds to (name of ball two)
Here is an example:
You won't get the flashing offline.
This doesn't belong in Trouble shooting
Interesting tutorial, this would be best put in the All About section.
nitromegamer wrote:
How to make a line maker:
1. Open new project
2. Create two red balls that are both draggable online
3. Create and sprite, it doesn't matter what it looks like because you wont see it.
4. Apply these scripts to the sprite made in step 3:
when flag clicked
set pen size to (size of the line, I prefer you use 10)
set pen color to (color of line)
forever {
pen down
glide 1.0000 (It doesn't matter how many zeros to the right of the decimal, as long as
there is a lot!) seconds to (name of ball one)
glide 1.0000 (It doesn't matter how many zeros to the right of the decimal, as long as
there is a lot!) seconds to (name of ball two)
Here is an example:
You won't get the flashing offline.
This would work as well:
[When flag clicked] [hide] [set pen size to (10)] [set pen color to (100)] [forever] [][clear] [][go to [ball1] [][pen down] [][go to [ball2] [][pen up] [end forever]
That's the best Text Blocks I've ever seen!