It would be nice if, when a project gets featured, the staf member who features it adds a special commetn to it explaining why it was featured and on what date, and this comment stays automatically at the top of the comments list so that peopel can see at a glance why a project was featured.
That's a really good idea, because some projects are featured for ideas, or programming, or graphics, or quality, etc...
JSO wrote:
Yes, I agree. This would help people to learn improving their projects, and it would avoid comments like "why is this project featured and mine not?".
i totally agree
sweet idea!
No, Andres, I don't think anyone likes the mystery. It would be good for the featured projects to have a supporting comment from an individual saying what they particularly liked.
(not an anonymous "someone on the Scratch Team liked this")
Just as forum messages that just say "look at my project" don't get as much attention as ones that explain what is special about their project (the theme, the drawings, the programming), so featured projects that are featured for unknown reasons are as useful pedagogically as featured projects that have explanations for what makes them special.