Scytheclaw asked Wolfstar before he left,"Wolfstar, where are you going?"
Wavekit and Stonekit ran to the Great Rock, and meowed,"We're here!" Autumnkit was sitting there, and meowed,"Welcome."
Tigerfang began to carefully drag her back to camp. When he made it back, Hawkfoot rushed over to his daughter. "Whitecloud!" He cried out. she was too skinny to be healthy, she looked almost...dead.
Monarchkit brushed up on a nearby Oak tree, The tremor scared the butterflies off his back and they fluttered away into the Sunset sky. Monarchkit returned back to Winterkit to introduce himself.
nightwing was walking along, wanting to see her mate. she bumped into him as he was leaving the camp. ''hi wolfstar'' she purred////angelpaw yawned, her jaws opening wide. she'd fallen asleep in teh forest!
"I am going to find-WHITECLOUD!" he yowled, running over to her.////Spiderpaw grinned from inside the medicine cat den. "Told ya." she mewed
crystallight rushed out to see whitecloud. she thanked tigerfang quickly, and then rushed to find foxtrot. whitecloud smiled at her father. ''are you in my dream too, papa?'' she asked.
Wavekit and Stonekit asked,"Where are the others?" Autumnkit shrugged.
Scyhteclaw nodded, and meowed after him,"I'll watch the camp!"
Flamepaw awoke next to Anglepaw.////// "Nightwing! Tigerfang found Whitecloud!" he said excitedly, and explained to her that she was missing for moons. "Wait, why is Tigerfang here?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at the Darkclan warrior.
"Great Starclan!" Flamepaw exclaimed. At that moment, Dragonpaw walked out of a clump of ferns.////// Thornkit padded over to the others, not caring if his brother was following. "Greetings." he mewed
nightwing smiled. ''he's probably here because crystallight requested his help. they were good friends, so i take it he's doing her a favor...'' she said. she trotted over to whitecloud. ''giver her some space...she doesn't look well...'' she said, her voice betraying her thoughts. she might not make it...////angelpaw licked flamepaw's shoulder excitedly. ''good morning...'' she purred.
Blizzardkit and Darkkit arrived too. Badgerstep followed along with Darkkit. (Again, no cat can see him except for Darkkit.)
"I'm Monarchkit" Monarchkit managed to choke out of his throat, It stung with the scent of a foul smell that reached the top of his mouth.
"H-hey Dragonpaw." Flamepaw said meekly, not noticing Anglepaw. Dragonpaw was speechless. "I must tell Bearstar!" he said, turning and running. "We have to stop him, or Starclan knows what will happen! Medicine cats aren't supposed to have mates!" Flamepaw said, and started chasing his brother
Nightstar saw Badgerstep and hissed. "What are you doing here, you filthy mate killer?" he spat, clearly he was still enraged with both Badgerstep and Thicketfur.
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-09-20 19:04:54)
Offline WOW........
not very far from 400 pages....
angelpaw raced to stop dragonpaw. she tackled him down. ''stop! you don't understand!'' she shouted.
"Get off me! All I know is you two are breaking the warrior code, and must be punished!" he hissed
Offline WOW...
Autumnkit meowed,"Where are the others? If they don't arrive soon, we'll start the meeting without them." Wavekit and Stonekit nodded in agreement.
"I agree." Thornkit said, padding foward
guys please click my eggs
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-09-20 19:10:32)
Offline You can see this coming.
Well, Like the only LionClan cat owner (I know of) just went offline, Monarchkit ish alone...
''no! please don't dragonpaw!!!!!!!'' angelpaw begged.
"Welcome, Thornkit," Autumnkit meowed. Wavekit and Stonekti mewed,"Hey!" In Autumnkit's mind, he thought,"That little puppet is back..."
2nd comment on 400th page!
Last edited by Pokemaster12 (2009-09-20 19:12:10)