OMG Nikki, I know Earth's evil plan >:3 And I'll give one hint:
One cat's gonna be sorry!
Tigerfang sat in the DarkClan camp, bored. "Hey White-" He was about to call Whitecloud over, but he remembered that they were no longer in the same Clan. He missed her more than he thought he would. He'd made a big mistake- He felt a large gap in his chest since he left. He hated to admit it, but he was wrong. He did love Whitecloud. And now she probably hated him.
Pumpkinkit's jaw dropped. Hollowkit looked up at Thicketfur, a look of understanding in her eyes
brb gonna draw so yah
Sabrekit's eyes widened, and she mewed,"Is that true?" She then asked Thicketfur,"Would you ever do that?"
Haekfire waited patiently for Ratfang to answer.
Wavekit and Stonekit ran into the medicine cat den, and scattered the piles of herbs Foxtrot had just sorted.
Thicketfur poked his head out of the den. "Because he was a no-good pile of dung, a murderer!" he wailed to Racoonkit. Buck frowned. "Why are ye gettin' all emotional about it?" he asked. Thicketfur tried to hold back his tears. "Badgerstep was my father," He growled. (The reason Thicketfur is so noble is that very reason; He wanted to be the very opposite of his father, which is also why he was surprised when he was chosen by Banditstar to become a deputy.)
Offline this made me lolz!
whitecloud looked up at teh blue sky, wishing that she wasn't so alone. she was so thin that it was frightening. her fur was matted, and tangled, and her eyes were dull. she tried to stand, but found that she was too weak. all the time she thought she' d be alright, she'd been wrong, and running away from her clan to live without any of her memories was even worse! now they couldn't even find her! she was too weak to stand, almost to weak to lap up the water. a gust a wind blew. she let out a shaky sigh. what she would to to see her family again. her father, her brothers, her mother, her youngest sister...what she would give to see tigerfang again...NO...HE HATES ME...THAT'S WHY HE LEFT...HE'D...HE'D NEVER COME BACK...HE PROBABLY IS HAPPY IN DARKCLAN! BUT...I...I MISS HIM...I'D GIVE ANYTHING...she thought. tears started to pour from her eyes.
Sabrekit mewed,"Stop! Thicketfur is crying!" She mewed to Thicketfur,"Don't cry! You haven't been a bad cat!"
Pokemaster12 wrote:
Wavekit and Stonekit ran into the medicine cat den, and scattered the piles of herbs Foxtrot had just sorted.
Foxtrot grumbled. "Not again..." he sighed. He thought he'd managed to get them out of the medicine den for good when he told them about the Deathberries.
Is time to join... (If I can lol or I'll just save it for later if you want)
If you need to ask me any questions about the book, Don't hold back.
Name: Monarchkit
Gender: Male
Clan: I don't know the ones on here,
Mentor: I don't know
Appearance: Monarchkit has a appearance of, Well of course a Monarch butterfly. His ginger fur is almost orange and its dappled with black-and-white spots. A black line goes from around the outside of his eyes all the way down his back, To the tip of his tail.
Any other thing I should add?
kits dnt have mentors O.o da clans r shadowclan, darkclan, waterclan, midnightclan, lionclan (WHICH NEEDS CATS) & eagleclan
Spiderkit started cleaning the den, still angry at Foxtrot
Thicketfur sighed. He went back into the den. "Sorry, mate." Buck murmured. (HE TALKS LIKE A PIRATE >:D)
Tigerfang slipped out of camp. Tallstar wasn't even there to stop him, and Shadetooth was with Thornclaws. He needed to get back to EagleClan, and tell Whitecloud he was wrong. How he really felt. All of his emotions were bubbling up inside of him, as if he would explode.
Last edited by nikkiperson2 (2009-09-20 17:54:31)
Hmm, Lionclan sounds the most needy. Its probably less confusing due to the lack of cats that I must remember. I guess Monarchkit is now in Lionclan.
Wavekit mewed,"Foxtrot! We have a question!" Stonekti asked,"Is it possible to have dreams about Starclan even if you're not a medicine cat?"
Sabrekit mewed,"Thicketfur! You're being a good cat! Don't cry!"
What the heck, My dragons just grew X3
Sabrekit sighed, and tackled Racconkit, mewing,"Got you back!"
Can I get a Run-down on all the Cats in LionClan? Also a breifing on the current Problem.
whitecloud lapped at the water, but she didn't feel any better. what she needed was food, and a visit to the med. cat, but they still hadn't found her. her mother must be worried...////crystallight was pacing around thenursery. ''hawkfoot!'' she wailed. ''she's still missing!!!!!!!!!'' tears poured from her blue eyes. ''what do we do! no ones found her! it's been over a moon! what if...''
"Yes." Spiderpaw said. "According to Foxtrot before I became a medicine cat, I had an encounter with Crystlewing. And not long ago I had a dream about her." she said to Stonekit
Leader: Bramblestar (me)
Deputy: Granitheart (nikki)
Med cat: (Pastel)
Warriors: Marvel (me)
Queens: Hollybreeze (nikki)
Kits: Thornkit (me) Darkkit (nikki) Moonkit (me) Winterkit (nikki)
prob: lynxs have entered the clans, and 2 kits from each clan must join to drive them from the forest, or the entire forest dies (spots already taken)
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-09-20 18:02:23)