Hazeswirl meowed,"Well, let's go!" Hawkfire nodded, and twitched her tail for Ratfang to follow.
Thicketfur looked down and smiled. "Hello there," He mewed softly to the kit.
Last edited by nikkiperson2 (2009-09-20 16:55:42)
Wildstripes crept up on Hollyhunt. He put his tail over her eyes and smiled. "Guess who, eh?" He purred. Stripekit pounced on her father, happy to see him.
"The cat who loves me?" she purred, smiling.
"Your Thicketfur, aren't you?" Autumnkit mewed, looking up at the red-and-white warrior. Hollowkit opened her eyes
"Yes, I am," Thicketfur purred. Sunkit wandered over to Autumnkit and Hollowkit. "Hi there!" he purred.
Darkkit stared up at the sky. "Look to the Mountains. Far away from where the Lions sleep, that is where the Lynx's base is." Badgerstep murmured. (Lions as in LionClan.)
"The threat that puts the forest in danger lies just outside the Lions den." Nightstar said, pointing with his paw to the mountains.
"Hi there!" Autumnkit said, bouncing on her paws. "Hey." Hollowkit said, putting on a weary smile.
ANOTHER PERSON WHOS GOT THE DSi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY 2 BEST FRIENDS GOT IT, MY BEST SCRATCH FRIENDZ GOT IT, NOW EVEN MOUSY HAS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS CRUEL AND UNUSAL PUNISHMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D: wait dnt answer dat XD
autumkit is ures......oh NOW i remember XD ill call her Pumkinkit den cuz shes basicly all black w/ bright orange eyes.....sorry poke
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-09-20 17:09:22)
Wolf_warrior wrote:
"The cat who loves me?" she purred, smiling.
"Your Thicketfur, aren't you?" Autumnkit mewed, looking up at the red-and-white warrior. Hollowkit opened her eyes
AUTUMNKIT?!? Isn't that my kit?....
"How'd you guess?" Wildstripes purred. He rasped his toungue over Hollyhunt's cheek and sat down.
Thicketfur glanced over at Hollyhunt and sighed. Suddenly he heard a noise, and the fronds surrounding MidnightClan camp began to rustle. An elderly cat entered the camp. "Buck!" Thicketfur cried.
Sabrekit jumped onto Thicketfur's head, and sqeaked,"I caught you! You are now my prisoner!"
Were you trying to get rid of me? >:3 Hallo, my friendss...
"'Cuz I know only one cat loves me and I love that cat." she purred, liking him back *Thats not entirely true......* she thought, looking over her shoulder at Thicketfur
mabey we were tonkz.........XD jk
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-09-20 17:11:59)
Thicketfur shook Sabrekit off (pwnd.) and trotted over to the frail loner. "This is Buck, he helped me and Earthsong find another cat that didn't belong to the Clans. (long story.) He led the elder into camp. "'Allo, ev'ryone," Buck rasped.
Sabrekit mewed,"He's weird!" She ran up, and started to hiss at him.
Ratfang followed Hawkfire.
Pumkinkit ran up to the elder. "Hi!" She said bouncing up on her paws. Hollowkit sighed
Nikki or other WOTF members, How much of the books should I read before I am "Aloud" to join (If I am ever aloud to...)
Last edited by RobotKitty (2009-09-20 17:17:43)
RobotKitty wrote:
Nikki or other WOTF members, How much of the books should I read before I am "Aloud" to join (If I am ever aloud to...)
'corse ure alowed 2! serously, u need 2 read like 1 (though its not reccomended) & tell us someting from the books 2 get in. its also reccomended 2 read twilight
Buck smiled warmly, some of his teeth were missing from old age. Sunkit dashed over to the elder. "Do you know any stories? Papa said that all old cats know stories," He insisted. Thicketfur blushed, not recalling that he'd ever said that. Buck chuckled. "Aye. I know a few tall tales, that I do." He murmured, thinking back. "Ah. "ere's one. In me days of youth, there was a cat. 'e was strong, and belonged to the Clans. Nearly e'vry cat knew of 'im, even Loners and Rougues like me," He meowed. Sunkit sat, his eyes round with intreuge. "'is name was Badgerstep," Buck meowed. Thicketfur tensed up, and began to shake with fear. "Badgerstep?" He murmured. He backed away slowly, into his den. He didn't want to hear Buck's story.
Wolf_warrior wrote:
RobotKitty wrote:
Nikki or other WOTF members, How much of the books should I read before I am "Aloud" to join (If I am ever aloud to...)
'corse ure alowed 2! serously, u need 2 read like 1 (though its not reccomended) & tell us someting from the books 2 get in. its also reccomended 2 read twilight
-.- NO, you don't hvae to read Twilight. This RPG has NOTHING to do with Twilight. sure it has vampires and werewolves.
I basically have a passionate hate for Twilight now.
I need a new cat...
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Wolf_warrior wrote:
RobotKitty wrote:
Nikki or other WOTF members, How much of the books should I read before I am "Aloud" to join (If I am ever aloud to...)
'corse ure alowed 2! serously, u need 2 read like 1 (though its not reccomended) & tell us someting from the books 2 get in. its also reccomended 2 read twilight
-.- NO, you don't hvae to read Twilight. This RPG has NOTHING to do with Twilight. sure it has vampires and werewolves.
I basically have a passionate hate for Twilight now.
i hate it just as much as u do, its just every1 else goes by da Twilight series, dats why. da only love ive had 4 twilight iz after i finished it & got $20 for it
Pumkinkit sat down next to Sunkit, accidentaly brushing his fur. Hollowkit sat on the other side of Sunkit