littletonkslover wrote:
Wolf_warrior wrote:
littletonkslover wrote:
Ratfang looked at Tigerstripe."Are you okay?""No. A danger far worse then anything the forest has ever faced before has arrived. A danger so horrible that the newest and virtually indestructible leader will die. And the forests fate rests in the paws of KITS!" he said, scratching the ground with his claws
"Oh my gosh! Kits can't save the forest!"
"Obviously!" he said hotly. "Why Starclan chose them, I have no idea. Were I still alive........" he sighed.
Ratfang sighed too. "That's so....stuipid!"
Wavekit and Stonekit were, for once, not making a ruckus. Instead, they were extremely tired, from their late night meeting. they snored quietly.// Autumnkit felt tired as well, and started to snore.
I think i am going to start re-reading the Warriors series. Its a little troubling to get them in my school library since they have 1 copy of the first book and it has 24 holds on it... So i am going to the local library
So, Which order should i read them in? By that i mean there is like the first series then like Super edition and something lol XD
Thornkit drifted to sleep, mainly on Nightstars accord.//////"I agree, but I am Starclan now. Your lucky I am your friend. If I weren't you wouldn't be so lucky." he warned
RobotKitty wrote:
I think i am going to start re-reading the Warriors series. Its a little troubling to get them in my school library since they have 1 copy of the first book and it has 24 holds on it... So i am going to the local library
So, Which order should i read them in? By that i mean there is like the first series then like Super edition and something lol XD
Original Series
The New Prophecy
Power of Three
I need to go to your house DX
Wolf_warrior wrote:
Thornkit drifted to sleep, mainly on Nightstars accord.//////"I agree, but I am Starclan now. Your lucky I am your friend. If I weren't you wouldn't be so lucky." he warned
"What do you mean?"
bk 1, 1st series 2 bk 6 PO3
"I mean, watch your mouth!" he snapped
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-09-18 17:12:42)
Wolf_warrior wrote:
bk 1, 1st series 2 bk 6 PO3
"I mean, watch your mouth!" he snapped
She jumped back. "Sorry..."
"Its alright." Tigerstripe said, feeling a twinge of annoyance at how rude all the cats were
Gtg -_-''
Iz everyone dead???!!!! DX<
I ish back >:3
I got the first book "Into the wild" like 2 hours ago and i am now on chapter 4 XD I did a mix of watching TV, Reading and eating.
RobotKitty wrote:
I ish back >:3
I got the first book "Into the wild" like 2 hours ago and i am now on chapter 4 XD I did a mix of watching TV, Reading and eating.
Meanwhile I have to have keyboarding instead of art D:<
Lol, I told my friend from last year over e-mail (They went to a different middle school) and they replied back saying "Wow [my name i removed because i can], Your Cat obsession is getting to be very unheathy, Have you gone to your first Appointment yet?"
The whole appointment thing was one of my friends put me in therapy with some person that was scheduled for this Tuesday (The 22nd so i haven't missed it lol).
RobotKitty wrote:
Lol, I told my friend from last year over e-mail (They went to a different middle school) and they replied back saying "Wow [my name i removed because i can], Your Cat obsession is getting to be very unheathy, Have you gone to your first Appointment yet?"
The whole appointment thing was one of my friends put me in therapy with some person that was scheduled for this Tuesday (The 22nd so i haven't missed it lol).
What me? XD And I'm not afraid to put my name on the internet.
and yah ure obbsessed lol
I just noticed... Like 95% of my posts here are off topic... Lol the rest 5% was like... IDK.
Offline Bros, and brodettes (IDK X3) I need your warriorcats for my team! Please join!
Pokemaster12 wrote: Bros, and brodettes (IDK X3) I need your warriorcats for my team! Please join!
Kay kid XD