I had been trying make circle with sqrt formula, deltaX, signY, and radius. it only go left and right anyone can help me with that?
To draw a circle I use sinus and cosinus.
Here is a script, which draws a circle:
When green flag clicked
set angle to 0
repeat 360
change angle by 1
set x to cos of angle * 150
set y to sin of angle * 150
"angle" is a variable. The values of cosinus and sinus are always between -1 and 1.
So you have to multiply these values by in this case 150, so that you can see the circle. Try out other numbers! Don't forget the pen down block.
In this project http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/goch/678308
the cabins describe circle.
Does this help?
melikanikole wrote:
I had been trying make circle with sqrt formula, deltaX, signY, and radius. it only go left and right anyone can help me with that?
You can create a circle by graphing using this forumla:
Sqt ( Radius of Circle - X^2)
-1 * Sqt (Radius of Circle - X^2)