How did the "best programmer on scratch" thread get stickied and closed? And even so, if its closed and stickied maybe it should be removed. Just wondering.
First it was stickied. Later on, to prevent people from posting, it was closed. It was left there to show everyone not to have a topic like that again or else a whole new topic about the same things would appear again and a big discussion about it would arise again.
But now, for example for the inappropriate scratch one, everyone can see the bad stuff people posted!
Well, the only ones are, "Who do you think..." and "Inappropriate projects..." I'm pretty sure the Scratch team tried hard to remove or change all the bad posts or links to bad projects. If not, and you find something inappropriate, why not contact the Scratch team and ask them about it?
I unstuck the "Who do you think .." topic, but left the "inappropriate projects" topic sticky.