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The basic set up for a platform game involving a ninja.
No collision detection as yet, or enemies or ability to stand on scenery, but what it does have is a method of generating the scenery displayed by reference to a map.
This means that with just 6 near identical sprites, I can create an extremely long scrolling background with near infinite variety.
Just needs a bit more interaction...
I've rebuilt the script to allow interaction with the scenery - ie standing on tall blocks, being blocked from walkign through walls etc.
In order to do this I have temporarily disabled the character animation.
Reinstated the animation and added character death sequences for water and traps.
All that is missing now is some enemies to throw shuriken at!
I'd like to add a couple of extra scenery types as well, to make the "castle" at the end a bit more impressive.
Very impressive - It's a very creative way to locate where you are in the game with the bottom map. It's just a little bit off, but that's not to hard to fix. Your finally back with great ideas!
That is a great start for a game. It could be used for nearly infinite games if you just switched scenery. I look forward for the next update!
Heh - this would probably have gotten more views if I had put "Ninja!" into the title.
Another update - added some stepping stones to allow trickier water hazards! Also made the walls of the castle taller. Have added a couple of bits to the code that don't show up in the game-play, just to experimetn with, including an animated crow that might become an ariel enemy in future updates.
New update. I think I have worked out all the bugs. And I have also added a script to allow you to shoot the crow, even though the poor thing is harmless
Added background music, just because it was easy.
Updated again to add animation to the Shuriken - again, because it was an easy thing to improve.
New update! Now there appear to be many crows along the route, although just one sprite is used for all of them.
New update! The crows now appear at different heights, and I have added a boat at the end of the level to escape on.
New Update!
Added archers, and redesigned the level to make sure the archers always have something to stand on
Next up - making the archers and crows deadly to touch, and possible making the archers shoot at you.
I made my re-mix before the upgrade, so my next level will have the enemys ready.
Ninja Strike ~ Digging for Gold:
New update!
Archers now shoot at you if they are facing in your direction when they stop.
Next up will be to make touching the arrows, the archers or the birds fatal, and to add a restart script.
The restart script will be a step towards adding extra levels.
I already made a restart in my remix.
New Update!
Fixed a jumping glitch, and made archers, arrows and crows fatal to touch...
The enemies in my next remix:
-Bats throw spiked balls at you if they face you.
Also, you have 3 lives befor the reset.
Last edited by N-Wear (2008-02-22 19:53:19)
New Update!
Added lives.
As an aside, it means adding extra levels is now pretty easy...
Are you really in a position to cry out about me taking your idea (if indeed I did) ?
New Update!
Added some extra scenery, and the game now has two levels.
Level 1: Untamed wilderness
Level 2: Approaching the town.
I need to change the boat into something else for certain levels, and make a 3rd level that is entirely town based, I reckon
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Pages: 1