(wait, can reedkit seen now? was his vision restored?) claypaw smiled at reedpaw. ''the...lake sounds like fun...'' she said. ''can i come with you guys?'' she asked.
can you guys please click my eggs. -w-' i just started drag cave and i want them to live and all.. i claick yours so, i would appreciate it. :3 http://dragcave.net/user/mouseclaw-chan
sparkygirl wrote:
(wait, can reedkit seen now? was his vision restored?) claypaw smiled at reedpaw. ''the...lake sounds like fun...'' she said. ''can i come with you guys?'' she asked.
No, it was a mess-up, he can't see.
"Okay Claypaw," Reedkit said(he's almost an apprentice.)
insanepoptart wrote:
can you guys please click my eggs. -w-' i just started drag cave and i want them to live and all.. i claick yours so, i would appreciate it. :3 http://dragcave.net/user/mouseclaw-chan
i clicked em all
Ratfang twiched."I guess, but how do you know?"
"i'm claypaw" claypaw said. "i'm glowpaw" glowpaw said. she smiled, but kept close to claypaw's side. claypaw brushed her pelt against reedkit's. she didn't want him tripping, so she decided that she would help steer him away from trouble.
THANK GUYS!!!! the clicks and veiws for my eggs are higher!!!! KEEP CLICKIN!!! XD http://dragcave.net/user/mouseclaw-chan
anyone wanna rp with me? or are chu busy? -w-'
clickclickCLICK!!! > http://dragcave.net/user/mouseclaw-chan
Reedkit paused."We're here, right?"
"I'm a Starclan cat, remember?" Tigerstripe said irritably. "Starclan knows all and sees all. This battle is between Tallstar and Beetlestar, for the fate and leadership of Darkclan."
Flamepaw yawned, and wondered where Anglepaw was....
ill rp w/ chu mousy
Metalkit pounced on Duskkit
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-09-12 20:00:26)
Wolf_warrior wrote:
"I'm a Starclan cat, remember?" Tigerstripe said irritably. "Starclan knows all and sees all. This battle is between Tallstar and Beetlestar, for the fate and leadership of Darkclan."
Flamepaw yawned, and wondered where Anglepaw was....
ill rp w/ chu mousy
Metalkit pounced on Duskkit
do you have any midnightclan cats?
clickclickCLICK!!! >:3 http://dragcave.net/user/mouseclaw-chan
RPing might be slo
"Yes, yes I do." he purred.
"Beetlestar is dead though!"
Last edited by littletonkslover (2009-09-12 20:04:01)
insanepoptart wrote:
Wolf_warrior wrote:
"I'm a Starclan cat, remember?" Tigerstripe said irritably. "Starclan knows all and sees all. This battle is between Tallstar and Beetlestar, for the fate and leadership of Darkclan."
Flamepaw yawned, and wondered where Anglepaw was....
ill rp w/ chu mousy
Metalkit pounced on Duskkitdo you have any midnightclan cats?
clickclickCLICK!!! >:3 http://dragcave.net/user/mouseclaw-chan
do i? im da 1 dat created midnightclan in da 1st palce XD rght naow i got hollyhunt & her litter & tigerstripe is a guy, pie
"Starclan is disgusted at Tallstar, and no longer wishes for him to lead Midnightclan, so they restored the tabby." Tigerstripe answered dully, as if any cat would know this.
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-09-12 20:06:07)
claypaw remained silent. she and glowpaw sat on the pebble covered beach, listening to the waves gently lapping at teh shore. she wanted to swim, but she knew that she didn't know how.
Reedkit mewed,"I don't know how to."
'Oh, that's intresting. Do you just want a peek of what's going on?
Last edited by littletonkslover (2009-09-12 20:10:01)
"reedkit...bloodkit...be safe!" glowpaw shouted. she knew that they wouldn't be able to swim any better than they could. claypaw trotted over to reedkit. ''please be careful...'' she said. she wondered again what he felt towards her. probably nothing, but at least glowpaw had told him how she felt towardshim. she smiled, mentally thanking glowpaw. ''reedkit...please be careful...'' she begged. she brushed her pelt against his, gently guiding him into the water. "i'll teach you to swim as best i can...i'm not very good at it myself, but i know it's fun, so i'll teach you"
Last edited by sparkygirl (2009-09-12 20:09:02)
Dragonpaw was border-patroling
"Oh, that's intresting. Do you just want a peek of what's going on?" Ratfang asked.
"I'm okay, but thank.I like to stay in the shallow.