I am looking for stories about remixing. Please help me by posting a story of yours or that you know about.
I have divided it in these categories:
1. Remix chains. These are very interesting because I think they started to be popular only after we put Top Remixed on the front page. These are the kind of projects that ask people to add something and remix or to support some cause by remixing.
2. Intentional Collaboration. This is typically the explicit remixing between two or more people who decide to build something together. Typically involves one person creating a project, someone else remixing it and then the first person adding something else. One example is the companies that created something collaboratively but it doesn't have to be a company it could be something else.
3. Serendipitous remix. This is when someone uploads a project and then someone else remixes it to make something different or improve it. An example of this is when JSO remixed archmage's Scratch Jr project.
4. Remix to annoy others. I am not so interested in stories like this one because I think I already have enough of them (One example was glough)
In your story it would help a lot if you post the link to the project or gallery and if you tell more about what you thought of it.
Thanks a lot!
My bring back doody club project.
frogger3140 wrote:
My bring back doody club project.
Oh could you tell me more about it? Why did you make it? What happened to it? Also, can you post a link to your project?
I have a story for you:
I love card games. Lots of different card games. But, the best card game of all is Cribbage. Well, one of the first things I did when I came to the site was do a search for Cribbage. I didn't find any cribbage card games, but what I did find was mdusoe's Cribbage Solitaire http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/mdusoe/27162 It was VERY rough. I loved the game so much that I decided to write a complete game based on his project. So, I downloaded his game and started with that file (so that he would get credit for the original idea). I deleted everything out of the file and wrote a game based on his project http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/BoltBait/480942 He saw my game and commented on it that he liked what I'd done. To me, that was awesome!
This is what I think a remix is supposed to be.
Here is another story for you:
My third game, Bath Time starring Scratch Cat http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/BoltBait/462250 is a remix of my second game Scratch Rocks http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/BoltBait/458720
I had an idea where I would remix my own project and change all the graphics but none of the programming!
I had made Scratch Rocks with the idea that guys would like it and I redid it as Bath Time in the hopes that girls would like it.
Turns out that even though it is exactly the same game, Bath Time was more than twice as popular! It got more than twice as many views, comments, and love its from both guys and girls.
BTW, andresmh, I view #1 in your post to be the same as #4.
Last edited by BoltBait (2009-09-03 20:45:01)
I have two stories about remixing, they both fall under #3 (serendipitous remix), although the first story can fall under #1 (remix chain) as well.
Story one - 5 Random Facts About Cheddargirl
"5 Random Facts About Cheddargirl" project was a project remix based off of MaskedStar's "5 Random Facts About Me!" project (which asks for users to give five random facts about himself/herself).
I first saw MaskedStar's original project via the front page and in my RSS feeds of people's projects, and I had fun reading about the various facts of different users. I ended up wanting to join the remix chain myself, but I didn't want to use the same graphics and wanted to give it a little more pizazz (the idea of pressing the spacebar to simply flip through backgrounds that have nothing more than still pictures and/or text bored me). I thought that it would be so much more fun to look at if I tossed in some of my art and animations in there. It took nearly a week to get the graphics done, and much of MaskedStar's original programming had to be changed to accommodate for the animations (my remix still keep true to MaskedStar's original idea of pressing the space button to see the next fact).
"5 Random Facts About Cheddargirl" eventually became one of my most commented projects, and I suspect it is also one of the more popular projects I've done.
Story two - Plushie Pal
"Plushie Pal" was a project remixed from nikkiperson2's "Nikki Finds the Tails Doll". I had originally found this projects because I saw so many people doing a "_ found the _doll" remix (I wanted to know how the chain began).
Nikkiperson2's project reminded me of my own plush dolls at home. So instead of following the remix chain, I decided to to do a remix of nikkiperson2's project in a different direction - I remixed the project to tell a true story involving me and one of my real plushie dolls. I used part of nikkiperson2's original programming, and added some of my own code to it; the graphics I changed completely (took about 1-2 days); the song nikkiperson2 used in the original project I used as well, but music file was edited to save file space. Took about three days.
It's not one of my popular projects, but I did get some very good positive responses out of it.
Me and my friends made another user to share, and we started a game to work on together. Everyone would update the project when they felt like it, and it improved a lot.
Edit: This was remix type #2.
Last edited by Chrischb (2009-09-04 05:59:51)
andresmh wrote:
frogger3140 wrote:
My bring back doody club project.
Oh could you tell me more about it? Why did you make it? What happened to it? Also, can you post a link to your project?
Here's some remixes: http://scratch.mit.edu/galleries/view/41738
If you want to see the remix project: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/frogger3140/416861
Last edited by frogger3140 (2009-09-04 17:09:46)
Thanks a lot for the great stories! Please feel free to keep adding if you remember other ones
http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/dav09/460208 it only got remixed 3 or 4 times even though it was one of my first projects and It says remixed 1 but i remixed it and somebody else remixed twice and that was remixed once !so 4 times !
Last edited by dav09 (2009-09-05 04:58:07)
I made Book of Advertisements which was the first one that was a remix project to advertise your projects.
It didn't get very popular, though others did, and I am a bit (not too much though) mad about that.
I wanted a chance to see other projects, and I hoped it would get frontpage, because it would be something on top remixed that wasn't one of these three:
-all remixes made by yourself (it was made back when that stuff happened)
-one that wasn't "add yourself to the ____"
-one that was a petition.
So, I was really hoping it would get frontpage because it would benefit all who remixed.
Petitions really don't work at all...
"Add yourself to the _____" are pretty pointless in my opinion.
Remixing your own projects were cheating unless you did it by accident.
Though it didn't end up getting frontpage, *sigh*
I have a good one...
Deweybears remixed my project Walk on the Lines. Of course, their project was way better than mine (I was a melancholy Scratcher back then) with better graphics, music, etc. It eventually went on to 29th top-loved.
Well, you gave my story already...
Archmage made his Scratch Jr project, I decided to remix it, and offered archmage to put this changes into his version on his profile. Archmage added changes to my remix, and shared it on his profile. I re-downloaded his project, remixed it again, and shared it. Archmage updated his again and added some more features. And he gave me tons of credit *.*
I have another (quite similar) remixing story xD
I saw Paddle2See's project (it was very different back then.) The same thing happend as with archmages project, paddle2see updated, I re-remixed and so on.
I gave it a name because I think this is a cool way of remixing: Ping-Pong Remixing!
I like this way of remixing because it ends up in a collaboration - and collaborations rule XD
Paddle2See shared it 1 year, 9 months ago
JSO Based on JSO's version ofPaddle2See's project
Last edited by JSO (2009-09-05 10:25:47)
Thanks again! Excellent stories.
How do you think the "Based on ___ project" part underneath the remix influences people when remixing? Is that enough credit?
When are people OK with remixing and when are they not OK with it?
Also, how do you think most people find projects to be remixed?
Well, illusionist and I both liked each each other's games, and we were thinking about combining our skills to create other games! That is how the account illusionist_terminator was born! Also, I think that some people will not be OK with remixing because they worked hard on the project. Others will probably make projects (such as add yourself to the vacation!) that influence people to remix. I think that people find projects to remix by simply looking around the site. I do that, and if I find a project that I would like to tweak a bit, I remix and post it, usually with the word 'REMIX' or 'IMPROVED' at the end of the title.
terminator68 wrote:
with the word 'REMIX' or 'IMPROVED' at the end of the title.
I certainly wouldn't want the system to do that automatically.
Most of the time, people remix my Hangman game by simply removing my name from the splash screen and reposting it. I'd hardly call that an improvement.
andresmh wrote:
How do you think the "Based on ___ project" part underneath the remix influences people when remixing? Is that enough credit?
I think it is good, but I would like it to be a little more prominent. I think it gets lost in the block of text below the game. Could the original project name be added to that block? Something like: "Based on BoltBait's project Hangman" with the title instead of the word project being linked to the original project.
andresmh wrote:
Also, how do you think most people find projects to be remixed?
From what I've seen, some people don't know how to make a gallery, so they just download their favorite projects and upload them into their own account.
For me, I wish there was a rule against remixing projects without substantial changes being made to the project. And, I wouldn't consider removing someone's name from the splash screen a "substantial change" for the better.
you can edit my seans life rpg game, but i came here to broadcast it.
seans lifes supposed to be like my life and the people i meet. i need help making it, so if anyone wants to add themselves to the game, submit some details and other traits of the charecter to [e-mail address removed by moderator]. please i really need new charecters or else the game will be short. im trying to make it a really long game like runescape except without fighting
Last edited by cheddargirl (2009-09-12 16:53:04)
monkeyboy62 wrote:
you can edit my seans life rpg game, but i came here to broadcast it.
seans lifes supposed to be like my life and the people i meet. i need help making it, so if anyone wants to add themselves to the game, submit some details and other traits of the charecter to [e-mail address removed by moderator]. please i really need new charecters or else the game will be short. im trying to make it a really long game like runescape except without fighting
Hey monkeyboy62, for security reasons, I had to remove your e-mail address from your post. Also, your post seems to be better suited for the 'Show and Tell' forums - you can create a new thread in the 'Show and Tell' forums and ask for help on your project there.
Here's my story of the impossible games:
I saw pinochio's Extreme game and decided to make it crazy hard. Here's that one: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/coolperson/542561 Then, I came accross a game called Hardcore Pong by -db- and decided to make it impossible, too. Here's that one: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/coolperson/559794 My current work of impossibleness: Pacman impossible! Yep, you read it right! If you touch any red, you lose a life! Also: Bubble trouble impssible, remix of weswesrock's project! Keep a lookout for em'!
Here is a story where I didn't remix a project:
I love Archery Champion http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Shanesta/9710 (ok, so I'm not alone in my love for that project!)
Anyway, I noticed that there is a serious bug in the shoot button code. I thought about remixing the game to fix the problem, but the fix is only one line!
So, I posted the fix in the comments of the project hoping that the original author would see it and make the changes themselves. Unfortunately, that never happened. (Oh, I've seen them online, I guess they just choose not to fix the bug.)
What do you think? Should I remix the project?
Here's another story:
I wanted to make a pinball simulation for a long time. However, I don't really understand all of the math required to simulate ball movement on a table. Lately, Paddle2See posted a remix of School Pinball. The graphics are very simplistic, however, the math was all there. So, that inspired me to finally tackle a pinball simulation.
I downloaded Paddle2See's project and started from there so that he would get the credit. Then, I searched the web for a generic pinball machine graphic that I could use with minimal editing. Finally, I spent about 6 hours writing scripts.
You can see the result of our collabaration here: Alien Pinball
The only problem is that the online player was so slow that I had to incorporate my Online vs Offline detector code to require people to download the game in order to play it.
Last edited by BoltBait (2009-09-19 17:39:04)
BoltBait wrote:
Here is a story where I didn't remix a project:
I love Archery Champion http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Shanesta/9710 (ok, so I'm not alone in my love for that project!)
Anyway, I noticed that there is a serious bug in the shoot button code. I thought about remixing the game to fix the problem, but the fix is only one line!
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g228/ … rowFix.png
So, I posted the fix in the comments of the project hoping that the original author would see it and make the changes themselves. Unfortunately, that never happened. (Oh, I've seen them online, I guess they just choose not to fix the bug.)![]()
What do you think? Should I remix the project?
Totally! Our website was built on the idea that you should not even feel the need to ask for permission to remix. All projects shared on this website are remixable, which is identified by the choice of the CC License with Attribution and Share Alike options.
coolperson wrote:
Here's my story of the impossible games:
I saw pinochio's Extreme game and decided to make it crazy hard. Here's that one: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/coolperson/542561 Then, I came accross a game called Hardcore Pong by -db- and decided to make it impossible, too. Here's that one: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/coolperson/559794 My current work of impossibleness: Pacman impossible! Yep, you read it right! If you touch any red, you lose a life! Also: Bubble trouble impssible, remix of weswesrock's project! Keep a lookout for em'!
Can you give me some feedback, Andres?
coolperson wrote:
coolperson wrote:
Here's my story of the impossible games:
I saw pinochio's Extreme game and decided to make it crazy hard. Here's that one: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/coolperson/542561 Then, I came accross a game called Hardcore Pong by -db- and decided to make it impossible, too. Here's that one: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/coolperson/559794 My current work of impossibleness: Pacman impossible! Yep, you read it right! If you touch any red, you lose a life! Also: Bubble trouble impssible, remix of weswesrock's project! Keep a lookout for em'!Can you give me some feedback, Andres?
That's great. Do you think pinochio and -db- liked the remixes?