"yeah..." muttered powersong. ''i wonder too...it's kinda sad...'' she scented a mouse and quickly darted off to catch it. soon after, she returned with a mouse. she gave it to slatestrike. ''to cheer you up...'' she told him.
It was fun today, If anyone doesn't want to know like if they Hate spiders or something don't highlight this lol XD So, Today i went over to my friends house. He has a Playset in the back (Swing, Sand box, Tree house) and he has Ants that crawl around it. Well in his "Tree house thingamajig" he had a Spider web (Active with 2 spides, Male and Female) So we would capture the ants in our fingers and throw them into the web >:3 The male went out and Captured/Ate the ants we gave them and it was like a Horror flick lol XD
Moonkit watched Thornkit
All of them are Adults! Except pink lol XD
Winterkit flicked her tail. "Well I'm going to go play with Moonkit. She's funner than you have been, lately." She meowed, her nose high in the air. She padded over to her sister. "We should go explore. Mama told me it was dangerous outside of camp, because the borders haven't been fully explored. If we find something cool, we'll get rewarded!" she purred.
Graniteheart yawned and left the LionClan warrior's den, shaking the sleep from his limbs. This 'Clan' stuff sure beat being a rogue.
-.-" I was two when the 9-11 happened today...9.9 like,millions of people died....T_T to think that was 8 nyears ago..
nikkiperson2 wrote:
NO MATTER HOW HARD ANY OF YOU TRY, YOU WILL NEVER FIND A DRAGON AS RARE AS MINE >:3 they can't breed, which makes them *especially* rare~
so? I have *three* split dragons naow! http://dragcave.net/view/n/Wolf-Warrior http://dragcave.net/view/n/Wolfaga http://dragcave.net/view/n/Doublecrosser
nikkiperson2 wrote:
NO MATTER HOW HARD ANY OF YOU TRY, YOU WILL NEVER FIND A DRAGON AS RARE AS MINE >:3 they can't breed, which makes them *especially* rare~
Should have went a little like this:
Last edited by RobotKitty (2009-09-11 22:10:40)
Marvel escorted Pastel to the Moonstone
Moonkit rolled her eyes at Thornkit. He was making a giant web over camp
Arcanine4535 wrote:
-.-" I was two when the 9-11 happened today...9.9 like,millions of people died....T_T to think that was 8 nyears ago..
Today's mah b-day :-) I was five when that happened....
Pastel blinked at the Moonstone, it's vibrant surface shined and sparkled. "What is this?" she gasped, the moonlit stone captivating her.
Last edited by Alphazulu (2009-09-11 22:12:48)
Alphazulu wrote:
Arcanine4535 wrote:
-.-" I was two when the 9-11 happened today...9.9 like,millions of people died....T_T to think that was 8 nyears ago..
Today's mah b-day :-) I was five when that happened....
i remember waching TV when it happened when my program was interuppted & they showed live footage O.o
RobotKitty wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
NO MATTER HOW HARD ANY OF YOU TRY, YOU WILL NEVER FIND A DRAGON AS RARE AS MINE >:3 they can't breed, which makes them *especially* rare~Should have went a little like this:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
NO MATTER HOW HARD ANY OF YOU TRY, YOU WILL NEVER FIND A DRAGON AS RARE AS ROBOTKITTYS >:3 they can't breed, which makes them *especially* rare~
Oh, hush >:3 I didn't mean you, Robo XD I mean the puny mortals who try to call themselves 'egg breeders' >:3 Graillic (my first dragon :3) and my stone dragon had babies :3 I was hoping for a striped egg, but I got a stone one -.- meh.
"This is the moonstone. Here is where we communiate with Starclan. Touch it." marvel said
Flamepaw was rearranging his herb stocks
Wolf_warrior wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
NO MATTER HOW HARD ANY OF YOU TRY, YOU WILL NEVER FIND A DRAGON AS RARE AS MINE >:3 they can't breed, which makes them *especially* rare~so? I have *three* split dragons naow! http://dragcave.net/view/n/Wolf-Warrior http://dragcave.net/view/n/Wolfaga http://dragcave.net/view/n/Doublecrosser
splits aren't rarer than Dinosaurs :3 I have a split dragon too, I could get another one if I wanted. You just have to sit and wait. Dino's are hardly EVER in the cave, or egg drops.
Pastel looked at Marvel and back at the moonstone. She walked over to it cautiously and slowly touched her nose to the moonstone. He body froze, the shock causing her body to shiver. She did not move, for she fell into a deep sleep that felt like eternity....
Edit: Tayd, that's cool :-3
Edit2: Btw, it's Alpha ^^
Last edited by Alphazulu (2009-09-11 22:16:39)
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Wolf_warrior wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
NO MATTER HOW HARD ANY OF YOU TRY, YOU WILL NEVER FIND A DRAGON AS RARE AS MINE >:3 they can't breed, which makes them *especially* rare~so? I have *three* split dragons naow! http://dragcave.net/view/n/Wolf-Warrior http://dragcave.net/view/n/Wolfaga http://dragcave.net/view/n/Doublecrosser
splits aren't rarer than Dinosaurs :3 I have a split dragon too, I could get another one if I wanted. You just have to sit and wait. Dino's are hardly EVER in the cave, or egg drops.
Marvel sat next to her and felt the cooling presence of the stone.