insanepoptart wrote:
Arcanine4535 wrote:
Shadowkit looked down to see Saberkit. "AGH! @_@ GO AWAY!!!"
"EEEEEEK!!!! Sabrekit!?! what are you doing!?!? this is a TOMS ONLY adventure!!!"
O_O i thought sabre was a tom... XD
This is my fav song:
She mewed,"If you don't let me join, I'll tell mom!" She sat down, and a tear filled her big eye.
Pokemaster12 wrote:
Arcanine4535 wrote:
Pokemaster12 wrote:
WOW...... just plain WOW. That's kinda sad X3
I've been called an idiot for wanting to see the movie 9, which I'm seeing with mah bff tonight!!!!x3 is your bff maru?
HECKZ YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorreh about the laguage X3
Im SO psychic. x3
Arcanine4535 wrote:
insanepoptart wrote:
Arcanine4535 wrote:
Shadowkit looked down to see Saberkit. "AGH! @_@ GO AWAY!!!"
"EEEEEEK!!!! Sabrekit!?! what are you doing!?!? this is a TOMS ONLY adventure!!!"
O_O i thought sabre was a tom... XD
This is my fav song:
lol, well, sabre was dipped.. but, name change by poke. XD
insanepoptart wrote:
Arcanine4535 wrote:
insanepoptart wrote:
"EEEEEEK!!!! Sabrekit!?! what are you doing!?!? this is a TOMS ONLY adventure!!!"O_O i thought sabre was a tom... XD
This is my fav song:, well, sabre was dipped.. but, name change by poke. XD
ohhhhhhhhh.... XD
Pokemaster12 wrote:
She mewed,"If you don't let me join, I'll tell mom!" She sat down, and a tear filled her big eye.
"OH MAN! fine fine... you can come up. DON'T TELL MAMA!!!"
"Okay!" She puured, and leaped up. She made it up much more gracefully than her two brothers. She purred,"What an amazing view!"
Shadowkit nodded. "Im the quietest out of us, SO, ILL go first..." He jumped off the tree branch.
"yeah... nice view....HEY! i know! let's have a contest! we'll see who can do a cool move on this branch without falling!!" (racoon is STUPID! XD)
Sabrekit leaped, and landed on her hindpaws. "How's that?" she purred.
its packman214 i got banned from forums
"nice one sis!!! let me try." racoonkit tried sabrekit's trick. when he landed he slip. he was hanging off the branch! "HELP ME!!! HHHEEELLLLPPPP!!!"
Arcanine4535 wrote:
Shadowkit: -.-" "Nice job! NOW EVERYCAT HEARD YOU!!"
"yeah sorry about that now.. oh yeah, SAVE MEEE!!!!!! DON'T LET ME DIE!!!" DX
Pokemaster12 wrote:
Sabrekit grabbed his scruff, and pulled him up.
*sigh* th-thank you! im alive!!! thank you sabrekit! ok, let's go home now... please." -.-'
Arcanine4535 wrote:
GTG! DX Im going to a lake in MPLS to draw teh Bandshell. 8D
have fun!!! we'll just say shadow kit went back with us.
poke? still there?
oh ok! i don't know where poke is... :\ but... whatever. maybe she'll be back soon. racoonkit slowly climbed down the tree.... "ok... let's get back to mama."
... -_-' ok... everyone is gone. XD well BAI!!!
Nikki....! PLZ!