Earthsong wrote:
Wolf_warrior wrote:
Earthsong wrote:
HAI Im supposed yo be doing home work XD
OMG Field hockey KILLED me today! DX We had to run for 10 minutes straight, and since my coach found 2 water bottles, and 3 sticks left out, we had to do 5 extra laps! DX Then half way, we had to run for 10 more minutes!!wow that really sucks -_- my spanish teacher let me out early 2day, so i was walkn into an 8th grade art class DX so embarrasing!
Dat sucks! >.> Im not gonna be on much:
Field hockey
Drama club
Art club
Maybe Volleyball
and MAYBE lacrosse
imma tryn 2 get outa volleyball by try'n cross country, but my mom wont hear it cuz da coach is my hr teacher
Wolf_warrior wrote:
Earthsong wrote:
Wolf_warrior wrote:
wow that really sucks -_- my spanish teacher let me out early 2day, so i was walkn into an 8th grade art class DX so embarrasing!Dat sucks! >.> Im not gonna be on much:
Field hockey
Drama club
Art club
Maybe Volleyball
and MAYBE lacrosseimma tryn 2 get outa volleyball by try'n cross country, but my mom wont hear it cuz da coach is my hr teacher
Is it REALLY that bad? O.O I would rather do Volleyball than Cross Country! I can't run for my life!
Earthsong wrote:
Wolf_warrior wrote:
Earthsong wrote:
Dat sucks! >.> Im not gonna be on much:
Field hockey
Drama club
Art club
Maybe Volleyball
and MAYBE lacrosseimma tryn 2 get outa volleyball by try'n cross country, but my mom wont hear it cuz da coach is my hr teacher
Is it REALLY that bad? O.O I would rather do Volleyball than Cross Country! I can't run for my life!
its not that bad. its just...... were NY state champions. its alot to live up 2 & i stink @ volleyball
Pokemaster12 wrote:
Ello poppet! GHOST HUNTERS ISH ONZ!!!!
awsome. im playing a game where i kill all da ppl on da earth
Aw, I posted my 666 comment! I need to kill a cat! Sorreh for copying nikki. Man, America's government is ***** **!
im playing this game where i spread a deises called the Greenday dieiese & all pplz who dnt lov greenday die XD
Pokemaster12 wrote:
Aw, I posted my 666 comment! I need to kill a cat! Sorreh for copying nikki. Man, America's government is ***** **!
i know right! i think i pasted mine, but i already killed a cat. plus shadowstar kills billions a day XD
OMG i just whiped out almost all of the east O_O
earthy did u die?
hi alpha nikki SHOULD b on but i cnt find hr
sup :3
Darkkit woke up from a dream, he had the same dream he'd been having for weeks. He keept getting chased off the cliff by a lynx, and grows wings...
Last edited by nikkiperson2 (2009-09-09 21:12:07)
nikkiperson2 wrote:
sup :3
Darkkit woke up from a dream, he had the same dream he'd been having for weeks. He keeps getting chased off the cliff by a lynx, and grows wings...
ME SUMMONDING POWAS WORK! btw only canada is alive now
Bramblestar awoke from a dream. He padded into the nursery
Badgerstep appeared to Darkkit. "Do not worry, young one. I have sent the dreams to you. You have been chosen by StarClan, to have great power. I will help coach you...But not now." He meowed. "Tonight in your dreams." He murmured, dissapearing.
Wolf_warrior wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
sup :3
Darkkit woke up from a dream, he had the same dream he'd been having for weeks. He keeps getting chased off the cliff by a lynx, and grows wings...ME SUMMONDING POWAS WORK! btw only canada is alive now
Bramblestar awoke from a dream. He padded into the nursery
you're playing Pandemic, aren't you XD
g2g DX mom wants me 2 tk a shower & get 2 bed cuz im HORRIBLE @ getting up in da morningz AND I WHIPED OUT CANADA!!!!!!!! I WIN!!!!!!!!!!
littletonkslover wrote:
boredcat isabored
u alive?
Wolf_warrior wrote:
littletonkslover wrote:
boredcat isabored
Tell me about it -_-''
Ratpaw stood up by the Highrock. She looked for Cobrastrike. lsadkfj kkk im mad
littletonkslover wrote:
Wolf_warrior wrote:
littletonkslover wrote:
boredcat isabored
Tell me about it -_-''
Ratpaw stood up by the Highrock. She looked for Cobrastrike. lsadkfj kkk im mad
i srsly spent an hour waitng ppls 2 get on
Tigerstripe brushed her fur. "Ratpaw. you ahve trained long and hard for this moment. Do you promise to uphold and protect the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?" Wolfstar said
She nodded."Yes." Her legs trembled with excitement.