And bai see u later kiddos
insanepoptart wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
lol did you guys know Maki-Tak is my grandma XD according to my brother he is.
AND OMG I'M SAD D: I'll never see my step-brother Brandon again, because my mom and my step dad are getting divorced ;_; and MATTHEW IF YOU'RE READING THIS DONT TELL ANYONE BECAUSE I WASNT SUPPOSED TO TELL ANYONE UNTIL ITS OVER WITH.i also heard your related to dream caster?
awwww! that sucks! my father was divorced b4 he married my mom
1337 is hard to learn @_@
And Wolfie went must u get off?
Last edited by littletonkslover (2009-09-08 20:15:34)
mine'r all hatching! hey dudez, i'm almost finished w/ hw! i'll b on in a few!
Aw bai now D:
*sniff*......http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Wolf_warrior/675941....*sniff*....I FN HATE VOLLEYBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sparkygirl wrote:
mine'r all hatching! hey dudez, i'm almost finished w/ hw! i'll b on in a few!
awsome. plz click my guardian dragon
l8tr....2 depressed 2 rp.......PLZ CLICK MY HATCHLINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-09-08 20:22:59)
*cries* DX
littletonkslover wrote:
"I better get ready!"She licked her fur quickly, then went to the Highrock(or wherever they make annoucements XD).
Oky Nikki
nikkiperson2 wrote:
insanepoptart wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
lol did you guys know Maki-Tak is my grandma XD according to my brother he is.
AND OMG I'M SAD D: I'll never see my step-brother Brandon again, because my mom and my step dad are getting divorced ;_; and MATTHEW IF YOU'RE READING THIS DONT TELL ANYONE BECAUSE I WASNT SUPPOSED TO TELL ANYONE UNTIL ITS OVER WITH.i also heard your related to dream caster?
indubitably. he's my brothah. not my step-brother, my real one.
But I told him not to tell people because then everyone would be like "OMG YOURE RELATED" -.-
you dont have a real bro....
kk_blueberry781_kk wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
insanepoptart wrote:
i also heard your related to dream caster?indubitably. he's my brothah. not my step-brother, my real one.
But I told him not to tell people because then everyone would be like "OMG YOURE RELATED" -.-you dont have a real bro....
Yes I do O.o
HAI Im suposed yo be doing home work XD
OMG Field hockey KILLED me today! DX We had to run for 10 minutes straight, and since my coach found 2 water bottles, and 3 sticks left out, we had to do 5 extra laps! DX Then half way, we had to run for 10 more minutes!!
Last edited by Earthsong (2009-09-09 20:26:36)
Earthsong wrote:
HAI Im suposed yo be doing home work XD
OMG Field hockey KILLED me today! DX We had to run for 10 minutes straight, and since my coach found 2 water bottles, and 3 sticks left out, we had to do 5 extra laps! DX Then half way, we had to run for 10 more minutes!!
wow that really sucks -_- my spanish teacher let me out early 2day, so i was walkn into an 8th grade art class DX so embarrasing!
Wolf_warrior wrote:
Earthsong wrote:
HAI Im supposed yo be doing home work XD
OMG Field hockey KILLED me today! DX We had to run for 10 minutes straight, and since my coach found 2 water bottles, and 3 sticks left out, we had to do 5 extra laps! DX Then half way, we had to run for 10 more minutes!!wow that really sucks -_- my spanish teacher let me out early 2day, so i was walkn into an 8th grade art class DX so embarrasing!
Dat sucks! >.> Im not gonna be on much:
Field hockey
Drama club
Art club
Maybe Volleyball
and MAYBE lacrosse