Alphazulu wrote:
Earthsong wrote:
Alphazulu wrote:
GUYZZZZ. My B-day is coming up soon and we're trying to figure out what to do. What should we do at mah parteh. We looked up Ice Skating, but the cheapest rink is like 7$ per person plus 3$ shoe rental.
try a sleep over with ur best friends >:3 thats what I do AND WHEN ISH UR B-DAY??? so I can make u a present
Lol we were planing on doing a sleepover but what should we do at the sleepover? Oh, and it's the eleventh ^^
Cake eating contest, blast music, random dance party, watch movies, paint eachothers nails blinfolded, and tin-foil sword fights >:3
Earthsong wrote:
Alphazulu wrote:
GUYZZZZ. My B-day is coming up soon and we're trying to figure out what to do. What should we do at mah parteh. We looked up Ice Skating, but the cheapest rink is like 7$ per person plus 3$ shoe rental.
try a sleep over with ur best friends >:3 thats what I do AND WHEN ISH UR B-DAY??? so I can make u a present
kewl how old r u gonna b?
One year for my birthday I went to a Go-Kart place, and my Go-Kart got screwed up and I rammed into a wall O.o I blacked out for like a second and when I came too I had a huge gash on my leg XD
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Tallstar prowled through the bushes, until he got to EagleClan. He grinned as a tiny white kit wandered out of camp, obviously she wanted to explore on her own. (It's Snowkit, from Hawkfoot and Crystallight's last litter.) He got closer, and once she was far enough away from camp that no cat could hear a scream, he pounced. Snowkit began to wail, but he covered her mouth with his paw. He bared his fangs, preparing to bite. "Stop right there, Tallstar," A familiar voice echoed. A tall, broad-souldered brown cat with white stripes stood a few tail-lengths away.
I'd draw, watch the Ultimate Cake Challenge, listen to Micheal Jackson, and eat tamales on my birthday.
Last edited by littletonkslover (2009-09-08 19:55:28)
sure.//// Braveheart walked into the nursery//////// Bloodfire arrived in camp. "Shadetooth!" he called
tallstar's eyes widened. "If you kill that kit, Tallstar, I'll kill you." The cat growled. Tallstar let Snowkit free and prowled foward, towards the cat. "Shadowstar killed you. You're dead." Tallstar hissed. "StarClan gave me another chance. They didn't want to see you in charge of DarkClan anymore," the other cat snarled. "And what are you going to about it, Beetlestar?" Tallstar grumbled, unsheathing his claws.
Wolf_warrior wrote:
Earthsong wrote:
Alphazulu wrote:
GUYZZZZ. My B-day is coming up soon and we're trying to figure out what to do. What should we do at mah parteh. We looked up Ice Skating, but the cheapest rink is like 7$ per person plus 3$ shoe rental.
try a sleep over with ur best friends >:3 thats what I do AND WHEN ISH UR B-DAY??? so I can make u a present
kewl how old r u gonna b?
13 ^^
"Cake eating contest, blast music, random dance party, watch movies, paint eachothers nails blinfolded, and tin-foil sword fights >:3"
Lol XD I know who would win the eating contest...... :-3
My mom is like "Slumber Parteh!" XD
soooo.... does anyone wanna rp? with me?
nikkiperson2 wrote:
tallstar's eyes widened. "If you kill that kit, Tallstar, I'll kill you." The cat growled. Tallstar let Snowkit free and prowled foward, towards the cat. "Shadowstar killed you. You're dead." Tallstar hissed. "StarClan gave me another chance. They didn't want to see you in charge of DarkClan anymore," the other cat snarled. "And what are you going to about it, Beetlestar?" Tallstar grumbled, unsheathing his claws.
Me: SPARTA!!!! *smashes Tallstar*
nikkiperson2 wrote:
One year for my birthday I went to a Go-Kart place, and my Go-Kart got screwed up and I rammed into a wall O.o I blacked out for like a second and when I came too I had a huge gash on my leg XD
thats nice. once when i went camping 2 dis place in upstate ny called Ashoken my best friend hit me on the back with a stick and i couldnt breathe for a miniute O_O i swear i should b dead
insanepoptart wrote:
soooo.... does anyone wanna rp? with me?
i will
Today at school someone's to me's like,"Hand over the paper,punk," lol middle schoolers
Speaking of which..MIDDLE SCHOOL IS ALL RUSH
Omg I Have To Show U This One Warriors Vid It's Freakin Funny
"It's not your fault Lionblaze."Lionblaze: ".... What's not my fault?!!!"
Last edited by littletonkslover (2009-09-08 20:03:48)
SQUEEEEEEEE!!!! ok so, mouseclaw is midnightclan. Mouseclaw stood up and stretched. "YAAAWWWWNN!!!" racoonkit woke up. "MAMA MAMA!!!! can i go meet the other clan members?!!" yes racoonkit." racoonkit ran around then crashed into a big warrior.
littletonkslover wrote:
Today at school someone's to me's like,"Hand over the paper,punk," lol middle schoolers
Speaking of which..MIDDLE SCHOOL IS ALL RUSH
Lol High School is much worse Tonks XD there are fights ALL THE TIME at my school, one time someone got killed in a fight at my school...It was like 5 years ago though, I wasn't in High School then.
nikkiperson2 wrote:
littletonkslover wrote:
Today at school someone's to me's like,"Hand over the paper,punk," lol middle schoolers
Speaking of which..MIDDLE SCHOOL IS ALL RUSHLol High School is much worse Tonks XD there are fights ALL THE TIME at my school, one time someone got killed in a fight at my school...It was like 5 years ago though, I wasn't in High School then.
O_O" Rough town?
Which reminds me....
littletonkslover wrote:
Today at school someone's to me's like,"Hand over the paper,punk," lol middle schoolers
Speaking of which..MIDDLE SCHOOL IS ALL RUSH
thanks 4 reminding me tonks -_- i start 2marro
lol did you guys know Maki-Tak is my grandma XD according to my brother he is.
AND OMG I'M SAD D: I'll never see my step-brother Brandon again, because my mom and my step dad are getting divorced ;_; and MATTHEW IF YOU'RE READING THIS DONT TELL ANYONE BECAUSE I WASNT SUPPOSED TO TELL ANYONE UNTIL ITS OVER WITH.
nikkiperson2 wrote:
lol did you guys know Maki-Tak is my grandma XD according to my brother he is.
AND OMG I'M SAD D: I'll never see my step-brother Brandon again, because my mom and my step dad are getting divorced ;_; and MATTHEW IF YOU'RE READING THIS DONT TELL ANYONE BECAUSE I WASNT SUPPOSED TO TELL ANYONE UNTIL ITS OVER WITH.
D,: Why?
And let's RP plz,I know a lot is going on lately but, I need to go soon. Walking for ice cream
Tallstar snarled. "So where are you going to go? I won't let you back into DarkClan," He laughed. Beetlestar unsheathed his claws. "Then I'll just have to give you an option- Leave, or I'll have to remove you by force." He growled. He lept at the leader, and they scrambled on the ground, hissing and spitting.
nikkiperson2 wrote:
lol did you guys know Maki-Tak is my grandma XD according to my brother he is.
AND OMG I'M SAD D: I'll never see my step-brother Brandon again, because my mom and my step dad are getting divorced ;_; and MATTHEW IF YOU'RE READING THIS DONT TELL ANYONE BECAUSE I WASNT SUPPOSED TO TELL ANYONE UNTIL ITS OVER WITH.
i also heard your related to dream caster?
insanepoptart wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
lol did you guys know Maki-Tak is my grandma XD according to my brother he is.
AND OMG I'M SAD D: I'll never see my step-brother Brandon again, because my mom and my step dad are getting divorced ;_; and MATTHEW IF YOU'RE READING THIS DONT TELL ANYONE BECAUSE I WASNT SUPPOSED TO TELL ANYONE UNTIL ITS OVER WITH.i also heard your related to dream caster?
indubitably. he's my brothah. not my step-brother, my real one.
But I told him not to tell people because then everyone would be like "OMG YOURE RELATED" -.-
Last edited by nikkiperson2 (2009-09-08 20:11:10)
-_-'..... bye..... i gotta well.... i wanna go... bye.