Foxkit glumly kicked a pebble
wat happened pack?
"My brother lost a paw and its all my fault!" Foxkit mewed sadly
"It was my idea to go exploring in Shadowclan territory, and it was my fault he heard me." Foxkit said glumly
Ratpaw gasped. The monster was getting closer. She started to drag Tigerstripes by the scruff, but it was slow moving.
rght naow im workn on bramblestars AMV w/ da song nikki reccomended
"Let go!" Tigerstripe hissed. "I have no reason to stick around when your obviously in love with Cobrastrike. Did you ever think how I would feel? Of course not. because were "just friends." Well maybe I've been in love with you for the last 5 moons! Did you think of that?" he hissed
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-09-07 16:11:00)
Ratpaw looked at him sadly.But I can't let go get chopped up! Being friends isn't bad! Being good friends is as good as being mates!"
"Its not the same. And who are you kidding? Being close friends is not the same as being mates! If I can't win you over then fine! I don't need help!" he hissed, and shook himself free. He limped by himself, furious. But the monster was gaining on him
Ratpaw ran.'Go faster Tigerstripes!"
herro >:3
Cobrastrike sat in camp, wondering how Ratpaw was doing with her training with Tigerstripe. He sighed. He unsheathed one claw, and began scribbling in the sand, bored.
Winterkit nudged Thornkit. "Well, watch what I can do!" She meowed. She ran over to a tree, and slowly but surley shimmied up with her tiny kit-claws. "I can climb! Mama said that kits our age can't usually climb until they get older!" she bragged. She beamed, knowing she could do something her brothers couldn't. Darkkit shrugged, and quickly scaled a taller tree using his unusually long metal claws. Winterkit's tail drooped, and she slid down the trunk of the tree sadly.
Thornkit shot a ball of webbing at the three and pulled himself up. Moonkit walked over to Winterkit. "Who cares? I know! Lets go hunting! I bet those furballs can't hunt!" she purred
Tigerstripe yowled in pain as the treecut monster started chopping him up
Panthertooth and Falcontalon burst into camp, panting. "Finnally...lost...it." Panthertooth said
YAY NIKKIZ BAK!!!!!!!!!!! update: tigerstripe raced ratpaw in her training but they were attacked by a treecut monster & he admited dat he had a major crush on ratpaw & now hes being chopped up XD meanwhile, ive been workn on bramblestars AMV w/ da song u reccomended (ill give credit)
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-09-07 16:27:23)
Ratpaw screamed."Tigerstripes!" Then she fled, not wanting to see the gory bits a a warrior laying on the ground. And she cried.
lol in makis rpg bramblestar is attacking Wolfie-tak & dis iz wat wolfie-tak did: Wolfie turned around and pulled out a frying ban and bonked Bramblestar on da head XD
Maki-Tak wrote:
Ratpaw: WHAI?!!!!! DX